This is the experiment of my thesis. The main purpose is to see analyze how the parameter 'window length' affects the performance of an AutoML system.
Link to dataset:
1- Download the dataset and organize the files, dividing wav and txt files in separate directories. 2- Use the first functions in the script to operate segmentation (split each audio files in segments wich represent the respiratory cycles). 3- Extract audio features from segments using the chosen windowlength value. 4- Split feature dataframe in train set and test set, using indications provided. 5- Produce Healthy/Unhealthy labels and balance the train set. 6- Generate the ensemble using Autosklearn 2.0 and save them as binary files using pickle 7- Refit operation to skip cross validation 8- Prediction and evaluation metrics
Use tirocinio.yml to import the conda enviroment with all the python libraries used during the experiment.