About A follow along to build a study app and hopefully scale it after a solid foundation provided by the video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSVnIphlGKI&ab_channel=dbestech)
Finished waiting for part two but building some of the stuff demoed on my own in this part_sel branch
Part 2 Completed Part 3 in Completed
New Widgets to look at
- Visibility
- ColoredBox @2:01:06
- How implementing PreferredSizeWidget helps with the appBar situation
- ShapeDecoration
- StadiumBorder
- extendBodyBehindAppBar property for the scaffold
- Positioned.fill( // Creates a Positioned object with [left], [top], [right], and [bottom] set to 0.0 unless a value for them is passed.
- string method padLeft or padRight
- ~/ Truncating division operator Performs truncating division of this number by [other]. Truncating division is division where a fractional result is converted to an integer by rounding towards zero.
If both operands are [int]s, then [other] must not be zero. Then a ~/ b corresponds to a.remainder(b) such that a == (a ~/ b) * b + a.remainder(b).
If either operand is a [double], then the other operand is converted to a double before performing the division and truncation of the result. Then a ~/ b is equivalent to (a / b).truncate(). This means that the intermediate result of the double division must be a finite integer (not an infinity or [double.nan]). 10. What is this AppIcons._(); 11. SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount, GridView Builder 12. InkWidget
Add feature to chat with pdf
- Upload PDF document to firebase storage
- Retrieve upload documents
- Open the pdf document using any third party pdf rendering package
- Combine the pdf view with a chat screen or create a seperate screen to handle the chat
- Consider creating api to handle the chat process as in the chat_to_pdf app you create earlier
More precise information to be added in this file