SUNSAL solves the following l2-l1 optimization problem [size(M) = (L,p); size(X) = (p,N)]; size(Y) = (L,N)]
min_X (1/2) ||M X-y||^2_F + lambda ||X||_1
where ||X||_1 = sum_i sum_j |X_{i,j}|.
- ADDONE: sum_j X_{i,j} = 1 for all i;
The optimization w.r.t each column of X is decoupled. Thus, SUNSAL solves N simultaneous problems.
SUNSAL solves the following problems:
a) BPDN - Basis pursuit denoising l2-l1 (lambda > 0, POSITIVITY = False, ADDONE, False)
b) CBPDN - Constrained basis pursuit denoising l2-l1 (lambda > 0, POSITIVITY = True, ADDONE, False)
c) CLS - Constrained least squares (lambda = 0, POSITIVITY = True, ADDONE, False)
c) FCLS - Fully constrained least squares (lambda >=0 , POSITIVITY = True, ADDONE, True) In this case, the regularizer ||X||_1 plays no role, as it is constant.
SUNSAL solves the above optimization problem by introducing a variable splitting and then solving the resulting constrained optimization with the augmented Lagrangian method of multipliers (ADMM).
min_{X,Z} (1/2) ||M X-y||^2_F + lambda ||Z||_1
subject to: sum_j X_{i,j} for all i; Z >= 0; X = Z
Augmented Lagrangian (scaled version):
L(X,Z,D) = (1/2) ||M X-y||^2_F + lambda ||Z||_1 + mu/2||X-Z-D||^2_F
where D are the scale Lagrange multipliers
X <-- arg min L(X,Z,D)
X, s.t: sum(X) = ones(1,N));
Z <-- arg min L(X,Z,D)
Z, s.t: Z >= 0;
D <-- D - (X-Z);
while ~stop_rule
More details on the method:
J. Bioucas-Dias and M. Figueiredo, "Alternating direction algorithms for constrained sparse regression: Application to hyperspectral unmixing", in 2nd IEEE GRSS Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and SignalProcessing-WHISPERS'2010, Raykjavik, Iceland, 2010.
x,res_p,res_d,i = sunsal(M,y,AL_iters=1000,lambda_0=0.,positivity=False,addone=False,tol=1e-4,x0 = None,verbose=False)
M - [L(channels) x p(endmembers)] endmembers matrix
y - pixels matrix with L(channels) x N(pixels). each pixel is a linear mixture of p endmembers signatures y = M*x + noise,
AL_ITERS - Minimum number of augmented Lagrangian iterations - Default: 1000
lambda_0 - regularization parameter. lambda is either a scalar or a vector with N components (one per column of x) - Default: 0.
positivity = {True, False}; Enforces the positivity constraint: X >= 0 - Default: False
addone = {True, False}; Enforces the positivity constraint: X >= 0 - Default: False
tol - tolerance for the primal and dual residuals - Default: 1e-4;
verbose = {True, False}; Default: False
x - estimated mixing matrix [pxN] res_p - primal residual res_d - dual residual i - number of iteration until convergence
Scipy needs to be installed.
Software translated from matlab to python by Adrien Lagrange ([email protected]), 2018.
Initial matlab author: Jose Bioucas-Dias, 2009
SUNSAL is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License 2.0.