Utility to chop physio measures (voltages) from Siemens Physiologic Monitoring Unit (PMU) and generate respiration volume per time (RVT) regressors for a single MR protocol with AFNI's RetroTS.py
This is for you if you want 1D
inputs for 3dretroicor
or afni_proc.py
block) and have physio recordings (*.resp
and *.puls
) files the look like this:
1 2 40 280 ... [measure's full timeseries on a single line]
ECG Freq Per: 0 0
PULS Freq Per: 74 807
RESP Freq Per: 20 2860
siemphysdat respfile pulsefile MRdir
# or
siemphysdat respfile pulsefile -j BIDS_protcol_info.json
look for new *dat
(chopped physio) and *slibase.1D
(RVT regressors, ready for -ricor
in afni_proc.py
) files
run ./prepareForDemo.bash
and follow instructions.
works on files included in data/
and save output to data/phys
see siemphysdat -h
, perldoc siemphysdat
, or ./prepareForDemo.bash
cpanm App::AFNI::SiemensPhysio
Hint: get cpanm like curl -L https://cpanmin.us | perl - --sudo App::cpanminus
with Dist::Zilla
dzil build
dzil install
If you want to quickly edit or run without (re-)installing
export PERL5LIB="$PERL5LIB:$(pwd)/lib"
and dicom_hinfo
from AFNI are likely to be used and should be in your PATH
See which dicom_hinfo
to check.
N.B. We now default to RetroTS.py
, which has a bug fix. If you really want to use the matlab code,
you should have afni's matlab scripts and they should be your MATLABPATH
(e.g. export MATLABPATH="$HOME/afni_matlab:$MATLABPATH"
works with octave but all afni .m functions must have |
and &
replaced with ||
and &&
as described by the Aguirre Lab @ UPenn
- https://cfn.upenn.edu/aguirre/public/exvolt/
- https://cfn.upenn.edu/aguirre/wiki/public:pulsecomplete_source
- http://www.nitrc.org/projects/voxbo/
Think seam-fizz that
. The icon is a seam and "fizzy bubbles"