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angular-auth-oidc-client API documentation

Documentation : Quickstart | API Documentation | Changelog



default value : 'https://localhost:44318';

This is the URL where the security token service (STS) server is located.


default value : 'https://localhost:44311'

This is the redirect_url which was configured on the security token service (STS) server.


default value : 'angularclient'

The Client MUST validate that the aud (audience) Claim contains its client_id value registered at the Issuer identified by the iss (issuer) Claim as an audience. The ID Token MUST be rejected if the ID Token does not list the Client as a valid audience, or if it contains additional audiences not trusted by the Client.


default value : 'id_token token'

'id_token token' or i'd_token' Name of the flow which can be configured. You must use the 'id_token token' flow, if you want to access an API or get user data from the server. The access_token is required for this, and only returned with this flow.


default value : 'openid email profile'

This is this scopes which are requested from the server from this client. This must match the STS server configuration.


default value : 'https://localhost:44311/Unauthorized'

Url after a server logout if using the end session API.


default value : false

Starts the OpenID session management for this client.


default value : true

Renews the client tokens, once the token_id expires.


default value : https://localhost:44311

URL which can be used for a lightweight renew callback.

Example of a silent-renew.html callback html file.

Note: The CustomEvent does not work for older versions of IE. Add a javascript function instead of this, if required.

Code Flow with PKCE

<!doctype html>
    <base href="./">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

        window.onload = function () {
            /* The parent window hosts the Angular application */
            var parent = window.parent;
            /* Send the id_token information to the oidc message handler */
            var event = new CustomEvent('oidc-silent-renew-message', { detail: window.location });

Implicit Flow

<!doctype html>
    <base href="./">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

        window.onload = function () {
            /* The parent window hosts the Angular application */
            var parent = window.parent;
            /* Send the id_token information to the oidc message handler */
            var event = new CustomEvent('oidc-silent-renew-message', { detail: window.location.hash.substr(1) });


default value : '/'

The default Angular route which is used after a successful login, if not using the trigger_authorization_result_event


default value : '/Forbidden'

Route, if the server returns a 403. This is an Angular route. HTTP 403


default value : '/Unauthorized'

Route, if the server returns a 401. This is an Angular route. HTTP 401


Make it possible to turn the iss validation off per configuration. You should not turn this off!

default value : 'false'


default value : 'true'

Automatically get user info after authentication.


default value : true

Logs all warnings from the module to the console. This can be viewed using F12 in Chrome of Firefox.


default value : false

Logs all debug messages from the module to the console. This can be viewed using F12 in Chrome of Firefox.


default value : false

If this is active, the history is not cleaned up at an authorize callback. This can be used, when the application needs to preserve the history.


default value : 3

id_token C8: The iat Claim can be used to reject tokens that were issued too far away from the current time, limiting the amount of time that nonces need to be stored to prevent attacks.The acceptable range is Client specific.


default value : sessionStorage

You can set the storage to localStorage, or implement a custom storage (see README).


can be used for custom state logic handling, the state is not automatically reset, when set to false


This can be set to true which emits an event instead of an angular route change.

Instead of forcing the application consuming this library to automatically redirect to one of the 3 hard-configured routes (start, unauthorized, forbidden), this modification will add an extra configuration option to override such behavior and trigger an event that will allow to subscribe to it and let the application perform other actions. This would be useful to allow the application to save an initial return url so that the user is redirected to it after a successful login on the STS (ie: saving the return url previously on sessionStorage and then retrieving it during the triggering of the event).

default value : false;


Makes it possible to add an offset to the silent renew check in seconds. By entering a value, you can renew the tokens, before the tokens expire.

default value : 0;


Optional hd parameter for Google Auth with particular G Suite domain, see


moduleSetup: boolean

Can be used to check if the setup logic is already completed, before your component loads.

Note: See also: getIsModuleSetup()

constructor(public oidcSecurityService: OidcSecurityService) {
	if (this.oidcSecurityService.moduleSetup) {
	} else {
		this.oidcSecurityService.onModuleSetup.subscribe(() => {

onModuleSetup: Observable();

Note: This will only emit once and late subscribers will never be notified. If you want a more reliable notification see: getIsModuleSetup()

Example using:

App.module: get your json settings:

export function loadConfig(oidcConfigService: OidcConfigService) {
    console.log('APP_INITIALIZER STARTING');
    return () => oidcConfigService.load(`${window.location.origin}/api/ClientAppSettings`);
providers: [
		useFactory: loadConfig,
		deps: [OidcConfigService],
		multi: true

App.module: Config the module, subscribe to the json get:

export class AppModule {
    constructor(private oidcSecurityService: OidcSecurityService, private oidcConfigService: OidcConfigService) {
        this.oidcConfigService.onConfigurationLoaded.subscribe(() => {
            const openIDImplicitFlowConfiguration = new OpenIDImplicitFlowConfiguration();
            openIDImplicitFlowConfiguration.stsServer = this.oidcConfigService.clientConfiguration.stsServer;
            openIDImplicitFlowConfiguration.redirect_url = this.oidcConfigService.clientConfiguration.redirect_url;
            // The Client MUST validate that the aud (audience) Claim contains its client_id value registered at the Issuer
            // identified by the iss (issuer) Claim as an audience.
            // The ID Token MUST be rejected if the ID Token does not list the Client as a valid audience,
            // or if it contains additional audiences not trusted by the Client.
            openIDImplicitFlowConfiguration.client_id = this.oidcConfigService.clientConfiguration.client_id;
            openIDImplicitFlowConfiguration.response_type = this.oidcConfigService.clientConfiguration.response_type;
            openIDImplicitFlowConfiguration.scope = this.oidcConfigService.clientConfiguration.scope;
            openIDImplicitFlowConfiguration.post_logout_redirect_uri = this.oidcConfigService.clientConfiguration.post_logout_redirect_uri;
            openIDImplicitFlowConfiguration.start_checksession = this.oidcConfigService.clientConfiguration.start_checksession;
            openIDImplicitFlowConfiguration.silent_renew = this.oidcConfigService.clientConfiguration.silent_renew;
            openIDImplicitFlowConfiguration.post_login_route = this.oidcConfigService.clientConfiguration.startup_route;
            // HTTP 403
            openIDImplicitFlowConfiguration.forbidden_route = this.oidcConfigService.clientConfiguration.forbidden_route;
            // HTTP 401
            openIDImplicitFlowConfiguration.unauthorized_route = this.oidcConfigService.clientConfiguration.unauthorized_route;
            openIDImplicitFlowConfiguration.log_console_warning_active = this.oidcConfigService.clientConfiguration.log_console_warning_active;
            openIDImplicitFlowConfiguration.log_console_debug_active = this.oidcConfigService.clientConfiguration.log_console_debug_active;
            // id_token C8: The iat Claim can be used to reject tokens that were issued too far away from the current time,
            // limiting the amount of time that nonces need to be stored to prevent attacks.The acceptable range is Client specific.
            openIDImplicitFlowConfiguration.max_id_token_iat_offset_allowed_in_seconds = this.oidcConfigService.clientConfiguration.max_id_token_iat_offset_allowed_in_seconds;

            configuration.FileServer = this.oidcConfigService.clientConfiguration.apiFileServer;
            configuration.Server = this.oidcConfigService.clientConfiguration.apiServer;

            const authWellKnownEndpoints = new AuthWellKnownEndpoints();

            this.oidcSecurityService.setupModule(openIDImplicitFlowConfiguration, authWellKnownEndpoints);

        console.log('APP STARTING');

AppComponent, subscribe to the onModuleSetup event:

constructor(public oidcSecurityService: OidcSecurityService) {
	if (this.oidcSecurityService.moduleSetup) {
	} else {
		this.oidcSecurityService.onModuleSetup.subscribe(() => {

Handle the authorize callback using the event:

 private onModuleSetup() {
        if (window.location.hash) {

This is required if you need to wait for a json configuration file to load.

onCheckSessionChanged = new Observable();

This event is triggered when the check session changed event is received from the server.

this.subscription = this.oidcSecurityService.onCheckSessionChanged.subscribe(
(checksession: boolean) => {
	console.log('...recieved a check session event');
	this.checksession = checksession;
	if (window.parent) {
		// sent from the child iframe
		window.parent.location.href = '/check_session_logic';

ngOnDestroy(): void {
    if(this.subscription) {

checkSessionChanged: boolean;

This boolean is set to true when the OpenID session management receives a message that the server session has changed.

getIsAuthorized(): Observable

This method will return an observable that will not emit until after module setup is completed. The emitted value will be set to true if the client and user are authenticated, false otherwise. If silent renew is configured, a silent renew will be attempted before emitting false.

Example using:

import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { OidcSecurityService } from 'angular-auth-oidc-client';

    selector: 'example',
    templateUrl: 'example.component.html',
export class ExampleComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
    isAuthorizedSubscription: Subscription;
    isAuthorized: boolean;

    constructor(public oidcSecurityService: OidcSecurityService) {}

    ngOnInit() {
        this.isAuthorizedSubscription = this.oidcSecurityService.getIsAuthorized().subscribe((isAuthorized: boolean) => {
            this.isAuthorized = isAuthorized;

    ngOnDestroy() {

getIsModuleSetup(): Observable

This method will return an observable that will emit right away with a value set to true if the module has completed setup, false otherwise. It will continue to emit its last value to all late subscribers.

Example using:

        filter((isModuleSetup: boolean) => isModuleSetup),
    .subscribe((isModuleSetup: boolean) => {
        // Do something when module setup is completed.


public function to get the id_token


public function to get the access_token which can be used to access APIs on the server.

getUserData(): Observable

Example using:

import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/Subscription';
import { OidcSecurityService } from 'angular-auth-oidc-client';

    selector: 'example',
    templateUrl: 'example.component.html',
export class ExampleComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
    userDataSubscription: Subscription;
    userData: boolean;

    constructor(public oidcSecurityService: OidcSecurityService) {}

    ngOnInit() {
        this.userDataSubscription = this.oidcSecurityService.getUserData().subscribe((userData: any) => {
            this.userData = userData;

    ngOnDestroy() {

Gets the user data from the auth module of the logged in user.


Gets the user data direct from the STS API

setCustomRequestParameters(params: { [key: string]: string | number | boolean })

public function so extra parameters can be added to the authorization URL request.


Starts the OpenID Implicit Flow authentication and authorization.


Redirect after a STS server login. This method validates the id_token and the access_token if used.


Logs off from the client application and also from the server if the endsession API is implemented on the STS server.

handleError(error: any)

handle errors from the auth module.

onAuthorizationResult: Observable

This event returns the result of the authorization callback.

Import the classes:

import { AuthorizationResult } from './auth/models/authorization-result';
import { AuthorizationState } from './auth/models/authorization-state.enum';

// Use this if you need to work with the validation result.
//import { ValidationResult } from './auth/models/validation-result.enum';

Subscribe to the event:

    this.onAuthorizationResultSubscription = this.oidcSecurityService.onAuthorizationResult.pipe(
        tap((authorizationResult: AuthorizationResult) => {
            console.log('Auth result received AuthorizationState:'
                + authorizationResult.authorizationState
                + ' validationResult:' + authorizationResult.validationResult);
        map((authorizationResult: AuthorizationResult) => authorizationResult.authorizationState),
        filter((authorizationState: AuthorizationState) => authorizationState === AuthorizationState.unauthorized)
    ).subscribe(() => {
private onAuthorizationResultSubscription: Subscription;

ngOnDestroy(): void {
    if(this.onAuthorizationResultSubscription) {