Published Website is accessible at this address :
This site is built with Hugo.
You need to install the tool in order to rebuild the site locally.
To obtain the sources:
git clone
git submodule update --init --recursive
Once you have made some changes to the sources, you can test your modifications locally by running:
hugo server
The website will be accessible on http://localhost:1313/CPP_Learning/.
If you want to publish your website on GitHub (after forking), you need to put the generated files inside the gh-pages branch.
In order to do that, you may create a worktree in the public/ folder targeting the gh-pages branch:
git worktree add -b gh-pages public origin/gh-pages
Then, you generate the site by running:
rm -rf public/*
You can then commit the new version and push it to GitHub:
hash="$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"
branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
desc="$(git show --pretty="format:%s" | head -n 1)"
cd public
git add .
git commit -m "Generated site from ${hash} (${branch}) | ${desc}"
Alternatively, you can use the provided to do all of this for you: