An ag-grid based package providing extra features built on top of ag-grid community edition to unlock some paid enterprise features
- Dynamic row height with lazy loading data from backend (More features upcoming)
$ npm install --save ag-grid-plus ag-grid-community ag-grid-angular
import { AgGridPlusComponent } from 'ag-grid-plus';
import 'ag-grid-community/styles//ag-grid.css';
import 'ag-grid-community/styles//ag-theme-quartz.css';
Input parameter | Info |
colDef | |
rowHeight | Default row height in pixels. |
deltaRows | Paginated data to append in the ag-grid |
rowBuffer | The number of rows rendered outside the viewable area the grid renders. Having a buffer means the grid will have rows ready to show as the user slowly scrolls vertically. (Default: 10) |
limit | Pagination size (Default: 100 ) |
hasReachedEndOfData | Boolean input to inform the component to not request for further data as we have reached the end |
clazz | Ag grid theme to be used |
@Output parameter | Info |
getRows | Emits when user scrolls to the bottom and hence grid requests for more data |
sortChanged | Emits when user clicks on any sortable header. Returns SortModelItem object |
onGridReady | Emits when grid becomes ready. Returns GridApi object |
Feel free to ask any questions using Github [Issues] (