PHP Dockerfiles is brought to you by your friends at Last Call Media, these Docker files are for building various PHP related docker images for use with Drupal.
They all offer the following tools:
- PHP (with MySQL support, sqlite, GD, curl, mcrypt and an OpCode cache)
- Apache, configured to serve /var/www with an exposed port on 80
- Composer
- Drush Launcher
APACHE_DOCROOT (/var/www/html): The path to the docroot. To avoid configuration issues, keep your docroot below /var/www. If you change this, you will also want to change the working directory using the -w flag so when you use exec, you drop into the correct directory. APACHE_RUN_USER (www-data): The user to run Apache as. APACHE_RUN_GROUP (www-data): The group to run Apache as. APACHE_REQUEST_WORKERS (150): The MaxRequestWorkers setting. TZ (none): The Timezone to use for PHP.
The *-dev containers are intended for use in development environments only. They include several extra tools that are not appropriate for production sites.
To enable XDebug, set the XDEBUG_ENABLE
environment variable. In most situations, this should be sufficient to allow remote debugging, but you may also find a need to change the xdebug.remote_host
variable, which is set to
by default.
The Blackfire PHP probe is installed on all of the -dev boxes. It is configured to connect to a Blackfire agent
container running alongside at blackfire:8707. See the Blackfire documentation for more information on setting this up.
Check the memory usage of Apache:
ps -ylC apache2 | awk '{x += $8;y += 1} END {print "Apache Memory Usage (MB): "x/1024; print "Average Process Size (MB): "x/((y-1)*1024)}'
Available memory: Calculate the amount of memory available INSIDE a docker container.
cat /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/memory.max_usage_in_bytes