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Improved source decompilation

Grayray edited this page Oct 9, 2023 · 2 revisions

fabric-loom >=1.4

Since fabric-loom 1.4 the Vineflower decompiler is now included in loom and doesn't need be added with any additional plugin or configuration.

To decompile Minecraft with Vineflower run:

./gradlew genSourcesWithVineflower

fabric-loom <=1.3

By default the genSources task uses the fabric cfr decompiler to generate Minecraft sources.
Vineflower is a decompiler which contains many enhancements and generally produces much better source code.
With the loom-vineflower plugin it is possible to integrate it directly into your project.

For more info see

Usage example

// build.gradle

plugins {
    id "io.github.juuxel.loom-vineflower" version "1.11.0"

Instead of genSources, you can now run:

./gradlew genSourcesWithVineflower