Here is the lead coder's stats. If you contribute a lot on the repo, I might add your username up here. This is the Hall of Fame for coders who put in a lot of code.
If you contribute at all, your username should be added here, assuming the badge works.
More code is still being written. We just relesed the second prerelease version! Our Homepage is here, not in the docs, as we have better CSS formating there. The homepage is also a WIP, with fill text.
1. StarWars.css This .css file is a simple file to help with formatting Star Wars styled opening crawls.
2. Sans-serif.css This makes all text be sans-serif unless overided manually.
3.Monospace.css This makes all text be monospace unless overided manually.
4. Night1.css This is used on the homepage for this repo, and is a black and white basic style dependent on Bootstrap if you want it to look like the homepage without writing extra code.
5. Day1.css A day version of Night1.css, it uses warmer colors in the stylesheet.
6. Winter.css A Winter themed stylesheet with CSS Snowflakes (CSS Snowflakes not written by me, see stylesheet for more info).