This tool allows you to extract the chunk packages found in Hitman 3.
Usage is pretty straightforward, but is by no means fool-proof. All you need is a command-prompt.
The easiest installation would be downloading the latest release from GitHub and extracting the ZIP into your Hitman 3/Runtime
Run the following command:
HitmanExtractor.exe list ChunkFile [Filter ... n]
For example:
HitmanExtractor.exe list chunk0.rpkg ULBC PMET
This would list all files of the types ULBC and PMET found in chunk0.rpkg. By omitting the filters, all files are listed.
Run the following command:
HitmanExtractor.exe extract ChunkFile OutputDirectory [Filter ... n]
For example:
HitmanExtractor.exe extract chunk0.rpkg chunk0 ULBC PMET
This would extract all files of the types ULBC and PMET found in chunk0.rpkg to the directory chunk0. By omitting the filters, all files are extracted.
The chunk packages do not actually contain any filenames. The tool will have to be extended with support for "hash to filename" mappings.
The extractor does not support reimporting assets (yet).