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Our API for Unity. It contains several features to make easier your coding in this Engine.

Documentation - it will be included in a setup in the next release. And also, you have,

Known issues

Nothing yet :)


See releases page

Next features

Please, review this.

Do you want to make an API?

Tutorial is here (is has to be remaked).

Credits and thanks

Ikillnukes - I made all the scripts that are not listed below:

Unity Team for Standard Assets.

scgarland thanks for BigIntegers in Unity (a downgraded version from .NET FW 4 System.Numerics.BigIntegers Class).

WestHill thanks for UniGif.

TheSniperFan thanks for unityserializer-ng.

jacobdufault thanks for FullSerializer.

DarthObiwan thanks for HtmlAgilityPack.

Somebody for Noises folder (I did Voronoi Class by using this resource).

IsGreen thanks for CSG

Thanks to the people from Unity Wiki for all their scripts.

couchbasedeps thanks for Tasks backport to .NET 3.5

Thanks to somebody from StackOverflow for the ConcurrentMap

OrangeCube thanks for MinimumAsyncBridge backport to .NET 3.5

spazzarama thanks for SharedMemory class backport for .NET 3.5

Maybe I forget someone, so, thanks to the rest (that i haven't mentioned) that done all this possible.

I hope you found this useful

Lerp2Dev Team
