NDP NMPC QD is a repository with three packages: cmd_pc, ndp_nmpc, and dop_sim.
The main package is ndp_nmpc, including an NMPC controller, a hover throttle estimator, and a downwash estimator. This repository receives traj. info (TrajCoefficients.msg) from cmd_pc (planner), and then sends bodyrate cmd (using mavros_msg) to dop_sim or any simulators or real quadrotors. Communication between packages leverages mavros as the comm interface.
Read our paper for more details: https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.07794.
author={Li, Jinjie and Han, Liang and Yu, Haoyang and Lin, Yuheng and Li, Qingdong and Ren, Zhang},
booktitle={62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)},
title={Nonlinear MPC for Quadrotors in Close-Proximity Flight with Neural Network Downwash Prediction},
- install ROS noetic following http://wiki.ros.org/noetic/Installation/Ubuntu
- install PyTorch with GPU option following https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/
- install acados following https://docs.acados.org/installation/index.html
- Create a workspace for ROS noetic, then go to the /src
sudo apt install ros-noetic-mavros-msgs
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Li-Jinjie/ndp_nmpc_qd.git
catkin build
to build the whole workspace. Done!
Before each running: cd /path_to_workspace
and then source devel/setup.bash
- If you want to make one quadrotor fly, just run
roslaunch ndp_nmpc_qd one_qd_nmpc.launch
- Then run
roslaunch cmd_pc send_traj.launch path_config_file:=eight_high_dyn.yaml
to send a trajectory!
- If you want to make three quadrotor fly in a formation, just run
roslaunch ndp_nmpc three_qd_nmpc_formation.launch
- Then run
roslaunch cmd_pc send_traj.launch path_config_file:=eight_low.yaml
to send a trajectory!
If you want to see ndp_nmpc,
roslaunch ndp_nmpc three_qd_ndp_nmpc.launch
roslaunch cmd_pc send_traj.launch path_config_file:=eight_low.yaml
GPLv3. Please also open-source your project if you use the code from this repository. Let's make the whole community better!