This is a F# type provider which allows you to generate types from string json sample and then use them in F# or C# project.
You can use it to generate types from json samples (files, web resources, string literals) at design time and then use them in your F#\C# projects.
In F#:
open FSharp.Data.JsonProvider
type FileType = JsonProvider<"file.txt">
type RelativeFileType = JsonProvider<"../file.txt">
type WebType = JsonProvider<"">
type StringType = JsonProvider<""" { "Data": 1 } """>
OS | Build & Test |
Mac OS | |
Linux | |
Windows |
Paket is used to acquire the type provider SDK and build the nuget package.
.\build.ps1 --target Build --Configuration Release
.\build.ps1 --target Pack --Configuration Release