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Modbus Library for KALEJA Devices

This Library brings support for KALEJA MODBUS Motor Controllers to the Arduino Environment. It lets you use all functionalities that you could have used with plain MODBUS commands, but you only have to call the functions and library does the rest.

All you need is a Hardware serial port on your controller to drive the RS485 Chip.

There are no additional libraries required that are not allready included into the Arduino IDE.


How to install

To install this library follow these steps:

  • (If you already have the Arduino IDE install skip this step) Install the current upstream Arduino IDE at the 1.8 level or later. The current version is on the Arduino website.
  • Download the latest version of this library by clicking on the green "Code" button and "Download ZIP" or by using this link.
  • Open your Arduino IDE. Go to Sketch>Include Library>Add .ZIP Library. Navigate to the file's location and select it.
  • The Library should now be included.


How to setup a Serial Connection

This is a short example on how to use the library. To see the actual function descriptions click [here] To use this library you first have to include the library into your Arduino project.

#include "MODBUS_KALEJA.h"

Next you have to setup a Serial Connection. This is done by creating an object of the class [MODBUS_KALEJA](# {Class} MODBUS_KALEJA) and feeding it the necessary parameters. To start the Serial Connection you also have to call the begin() function of your MODBUS_KALEJA object.

MODBUS_KALEJA bus1(Serial,1,1,2); //Setup an object of class MODBUS_KALEJA on the Serial Port, 38400 Baud, Parity = None, R/W pin on pin D2
MODBUS_KALEJA bus1(Serial,B_38000,P_NONE,2); //Same as above, but with using the defines as inputs
bus1.begin(); //Start the Serial Connection

Your Bus is now running and ready to talk to Motor Controllers.

How to setup a Motor Controller Object

After selecting the device address with the DIP-Switch and Baudrate/Parity with the other switches you are now ready to setup a Motor Controller Object

MControl motorController1(1,bus1); //Setup the Motor COntroller Object with Adress 0x01 on the preiviously created MODBUS_KALEJA Object

Now you are ready to use the Motor Controller functions. Example:

motorController1.MOTOR_ON(); //Start Motor
motorController1.PWM_ON(500); //Set Motor Speed to 50%
int32_t current = motorController1.CURRENT(); //Read the current the Motor is drawing richt now
motorController1.MOTOR_OFF(); //Stop Motor

Classes and Functions


Class for setting up a Serial Connection

Input parameters

Parameter Type Input/Example Value Description
Serial Port HardwareSerial Serial, Serial1, ... - Defines the Serial port that the RS485 Driver is connected to
Baudrate uint8_t 0/1 B_19200/ B_38400 Defines the Baudrate at which the RS485 net is running
Parity uint8_t 0/1 P_EVEN/ P_NONE Defines the Parity used in the RS485 net
R/W-Pin PIN 0,1,2, ... - Defines the pin that the R/W Pin of the RS485 Driver is connected to

Class Functions 1

Function Description Returns
begin() Starts the Serial Connection 0 -> Success, -1 -> Port already open, -2 -> Baudrate invalid, -3 -> Parity invalid
end() Closes the Serial Connection 0 -> Success, -1 -> Port was not open

{Class} MControl

Class for setting up a Motor Controller Object with its unique address.

Input parameters

Parameter Type Input/Example Description
Device Address uint8_t 0x01, 0x05, ... Defines the Address of the MODBUS RTU device which is set by the DIP Switch
Bus MODBUS_KALEJA - Asigns the Motor Controllor to the RS485 Net of a certain Serial Connection

Class Functions 2

*ErrCode values are listed here.

Function Input Returns Description
MC_WRITE uint16_t a ,uint16_t d ErrCode Write Data d at Address a
MC_READ_HOLD uint16_t a int64_t d Read Data d from holding register a
MC_READ uint16_t a ,uint8_t n int64_t d Read Data d from n read-only registers starting at address a
EEPROM_SAVE - ErrCode Save MODBUS Settings to EEPROM
EEPROM_RELOAD - ErrCode Load MODBUS Settings from EEPROM
DEVICE_RESET - ErrCode Softreset Device
FACTORY_DEFAULTS - ErrCode Reload Factory Settings
WATCHDOG_OFF - ErrCode Disable Modbus Watchdog
WATCHDOG_ON uint16_t ErrCode Enable Watchdog, Timer set to Time in ms(1-65535)
WATCHDOG_GET - int32_t Get Watchdog Time in ms
CURRENT_LIMIT_OFF - ErrCode Disable Current Limit
CURRENT_LIMIT_ON uint16_t ErrCode Enable Current Limit. Set Current Limit to Current in mA(1-4000)
CURRENT_LIMIT_GET - int32_t Get Current Limit in mA
START_RAMP_OFF - ErrCode Disable Start Ramp
START_RAMP_ON uint16_t ErrCode Enable Start Ramp. Set Ramp Time to Time in ms(1-4000)
START_RAMP_GET - int32_t Get Start Ramp in ms
STOP_RAMP_OFF - ErrCode Disable Stop Ramp
STOP_RAMP_ON uint16_t ErrCode Enable Stop Ramp. Set Ramp Time to Time in ms(1-4000)
STOP_RAMP_GET - int32_t Get Stop Ramp in ms
PWM_OFF - ErrCode Set Motor Speed to 0
PWM_ON uint16_t ErrCode Set Motor Speed to pwm/10 in Percent(50-1000)
PWM_GET - int32_t get Motor PWM Settings in 10*Percent
CM_DELAY_OFF - ErrCode Disable current monitoring delay
CM_DELAY_ON uint16_t ErrCode Enable current monitoring delay. Set Time in ms(1-1000)
CM_DELAY_GET - int32_t Get current monitoring delay in ms
IXR_COMP_OFF - ErrCode Disable IxR Compensation
IXR_COMP_ON - ErrCode Enable IxR Compensation, Set Motor Internal Resistance to mOhm(1-4000)
IXR_COMP_GET - int32_t Get Motor Internal Resistance in mOhm
DIR_LEFT_OFF - ErrCode Disable left turning direction
DIR_LEFT_ON - ErrCode Enable left turning direction
DIR_LEFT_GET - int32_t Get left turning direction settings
DIR_RIGHT_OFF - ErrCode Disable right turning direction
DIR_RIGHT_ON - ErrCode Enable right turning direction
DIR_RIGHT_GET - int32_t Get right turning direction settings
BRAKE_OFF - ErrCode Disable right Breaking
BRAKE_ON - ErrCode Enable Motor Breaking
BRAKE_GET - int32_t Get Brake Settings
OVERCURRENT_SET_SHUTOFF - ErrCode Set Behaviour to Overcurrent Shutoff
OVERCURRENT_SET_LIMIT uint16_t ErrCode Set Behaviour to Overcurrent Limiting
OVERCURRENT_GET - int16_t get Overcurrent Behaviour
PROD_NUMBER - int64_t Retruns Product Number
HARDWARE_VERSION - int32_t Returns Hardware Version
SOFTWARE_VERSION - int32_t Returns Software Version
SERIAL_NUMBER - int64_t Returns Serial Number
CURRENT - int32_t Returns the current being drawn by the Motor right now in mA(0-65535)
PWM - int32_t Returns the pwm at which the motor is running right now in 10*Percent
DIR - int16_t Returns the direction in which the motor is running right now
TEMP - int32_t Returns the Temperature of the Module

Error Codes

In case one of the following errors occurrs, check if your Motor Controller is compatible to this library and if all connections are according to the RS485 Standard. There shouldn't be any negative feedback from the functions. Every negative Feedback is some sort of error.

ERROR Code Description
-1 General Error, check if Motor Controller is compatible to Library
-2 CRC_ERROR, CRC wasn't valid
-0x81 Function not supported
-0x82 Address not valid
-0x83 Number of requested Registers doesn't match
-0x84 Execution Error
-0x86 Write Error

Additional Information

If you want more information on any of the functions or about the error codes, there is in depth information in the datasheet of each Motor controller.


Library for controlling MODBUS Devices by KALEJA






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