This build will always fail because it has two types of failing tests:
- based on incorrect behavior in the main code (CUT, class-under-test), leading to failed assertions
- based on logical errors in the test code, leading to exceptions before assertions are tested
- Simple hello world example
- Experience with Git source code management
- Building with Gradle (using the Gradle wrapper)
- Automated unit testing with JUnit
- Continuous integration with Travis
- Java 11 SDK or later
On all platforms:
$ ./gradlew run
On all platforms:
$ ./gradlew test
There will be a line that says > There were failing tests. See the report at: file:///... Copy & paste that line in a browser address bar, starting with file: to the end, to see the failures
Alternatively, in the Project view, right-click TestHelloWorld and select Run 'TestHelloWorld' or right-click app and select Run 'All Tests' - this shows the specific JUnit assertion errors without the need for copy and paste
Unlike running the application using Gradle's run
this allows passing command-line arguments.
On all platforms:
$ ./gradlew startScripts
$ ./build/scripts/hello-java arg1 arg2 arg3
$ ./gradlew jar
$ java -jar build/lib/hello-java.jar arg1 arg2 arg3