-APPBAR : The main appbar of the bar is its own component here. Prop will be sent to the component as title
-AUTH : Here you find the login form and authentication when the user reload the page.
-DASHBOARD : The dashboard for all users is the same. The top part of the dash board is the same for everyone and the overview part depends on your department.
-DRAWER : A permanent drawer on the left of the screen. Here we have listed the tabs. The Tabs are different depending on user position and department.
-LAYOUT : We have two main layout that we have called list layout and details layout. the list layout is on the left and the roght layout is on the right.
-humanResource & CEO :
*AddDepartment & RegisterEmployee :
Those 2 components are dialogues.
When click on + button you see a dialogue according to your current location (Department or Employee)
*Admin: this component holds everything together.
*DepartmentList & EmployeeList:
Those 2 components holds the main layouts. List on the left, details on the right for department and employee.
*Project: Component has the project overviews or analysis.
*Menu: This is the component that has the menu for HR department.
-STAFF : view of each staff members depending on their department.
PostgreSQL Express React Node (PERN) full-stack app, integrates React
frontend with Node.js backend.
📄 Table of Contents
Using this project
📚 Using this project Backend
- PostgreSQL needs to be installed and running - I started it from my Windows 10 PostgreSQL 12 dropdown option 'SQL shell (psql)'
- Postman used to test the backend before frontend was available
- Postgresql shell commands: \l list all databases. \c database1 connect to database1. \dt inspect tables. \q to quit. 📷 API's and Schema Refer to zip folder.
Backend screenshot Frontend & backend screenshot Frontend screenshot 📶 Technologies - Backend
PostgreSQL v13
PostgreSQL Installer for Windows
Express.js middleware v4
Node.js v14
Nodemon npm module so backend server will automatically restart after code changes
Postman API to simulate a frontend
📶 Technologies - Frontend React framework v17 Mobx
💾 Setup - Backend
Change to /server directory
Install dependencies using npm i
Install nodemon globally if you don't already have it
Install PostgreSQL & run it (requires the password you created during installation)
Add database access credentials to db.js - recommend installing npm dotenv & using .env to hide credentials if commiting to Github
Postgresql shell commands: \l list all databases. \c database1 connect to database1. \dt inspect tables. \d+ inspect table & show relation information. \q to quit.
Run nodemon server for a dev server
*http://localhost:5000/ can be accessed for CRUD operations such as POST, GET, PUT, DELETE etc. using Postman
💾 Setup - Frontend
Change to /client directory
Install dependencies using npm i.
Run npm start. Frontend will open at http://localhost:{port#}