We are currently working on our first project, the renting cross-platform mobile application 📱 Quide. We use .NET 6 for the server-side 💻 and ReactNative for the Android/iOS frontend app.
In February 2022📅, we came up with the idea of an application with renting ads for everything (from photography lenses to snowboards). All-in-one. Our goal is encouraging people to rent💰 instead of buying💰💰💰 the things they often use. It's not only the price of the object, but could be also the cost of maintenance in some cases. All prices are going 📈 to the moon in 2022 and we have to watch after the budget. We want to show people they don't need all the things they buy. We wish we can encourage the clients to rent their own objects and grow a regular objects renting network🌐.
Renting it's also the greener decision🌳. For example it will always be better if 10 people use 1 lawn mower than 10 people having 10 lawn mowers.