This repository contains documentation for the LTS - Space Resources Challenge 2018 using the Erle Rover.
Sponsor by Initiative
We have prepared a virtual machine for you to work with. This is the easiest way to get started with the simulation environment.
To run the virutal machine you will need:
- VirtualBox
- LTS Virtual Machine Image (4.6 GB) (Password of the default user is "lts")
Link to the youtube tutorials is here.
The Virtual Machine contains:
- Python 2
- ROS Indigo
- Gazebo (Simulator)
- Erle Rover (Official Documentation)
The main working directory is: ~/simulation/
To run the simulation, we have to launch the proxies first.
Open the terminal and type the following commands:
source ~/simulation/ros_catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
cd ~/simulation/ardupilot/APMrover2
../Tools/autotest/ -j 4 -f Gazebo
param load ~/Tools/Frame_params/3DR_Rover.param
The proxy has multiple modes for the rover controller. We are interested in 2 modes.
To control the rover manually via the terminal run: param set SYSID_MYGCS 255
To control the rover remotely via the ROS Messages run: param set SYSID_MYGCS 1
Once the proxy is running, we can launch the simulation. Open a new terminal window/tab and run the following commands:
source ~/simulation/ros_catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch ardupilot_sitl_gazebo_plugin rover_spawn.launch
The proxy is running and the simulation is open. Now you can run a rover controller.
Open a third terminal window/tab and run the following command:
source ~/simulation/ros_catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
After that, you are ready to run a controller.
There are a few examples in this virtual machine that you can run. They are located at:
Then, just run for example:
Stopping is easy: CTRL+C
until it stops.
If you want to reset the rover and the simulation to his initial state, you will have to:
- Cancel the process in the second terminal tab where the Gazebo simulator is running using
- Run again
roslaunch ardupilot_sitl_gazebo_plugin rover_spawn.launch
The easiest way to code your own controller is to create a new *.py
file in the scripts folder:
Send your python code solution with your contact info to [email protected]
Working submissions will be invited to test their code at the end of November 2018 workshop in Luxembourg City, and faster code solving the maze Wins a real Erle-Rover!!!
For more infor and support about the Erle Rover simulation visit the Erle Robotics forum at