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LyeeH edited this page Jan 3, 2018 · 1 revision

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A Python-based GUI Development for Digital Circuit Design

Problem Statements:

Software tools such as Microsoft Excel can be used to easily convert text files from UNIX environment to tabular or graphical format if the text files are in the tabular or regular format to begin with. However, the design data from different EDA tools or even from same EDA tool has mostly irregular and different text formats such as different line width or different repetitive structures. Digital designers spend a significant amount of effort in reading the text files to understand the contents and also to analyze the data which eventually impacts the design completion time.

Project Deliverables:

The successful project will result in a set of Python scripts that will generate GUIs that can be used to analyze design data. The GUIs would enable the designer:

  • To represent text-based data in plots and tables.
  • To filter, sort and search data based on the user's given options.
  • To upload the data in various formats on web servers.

Project Requirment: