Deep packet: a novel approach for encrypted traffic classification using deep learning
This project was carried as part of my master thesis project and unfurtatenly I have lost access to the original code and since I am doing my PhD, I did not have time to rewrite the code, However there are some cool people out there who reprdouced the the resuls of the paper. I list these repositories here and will keep updating it till I finally find time and release the official code:
repo1 (by Wong): This repostory replicates the results in the paper and includes proprocessed data and code in PyTorch.
repo2 (by Ezzeldin Tahoun): This repostory has an implemenation of the model in Tensorflow and some scripts for data preprocessing.
repo3 (by raptor900): This repostory has an implemenation of the model in pytorch but no training script or data set are provided.
repo4 (by KimythAnly): This repostory has an implemenation of the model in Tensorflow/Keras and some scripts for data.
If Deep packet is useful in your research, please consider citing this paper