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A Artifact Appendix

A.2 Description & Requirements

This section provides all the information necessary to recreate the same experimental setup to run the artifact. Our artifact includes 1) tools to analyze Android APKs to extract URLs for OTA firmware update; 2) tools to extract Android APKs for candidate firmware; 3) an LLM-powered crawler to down- load candidate firmware from OTA URLs; 4) a pipeline to validate firmware and extract firmware metadata; 5) a dataset of 3,692 firmware images that were collected using the tools above; 6) firmware analysis tools to detect security defects in the collected firmware. As discussed in the paper, releasing the firmware dataset poses potential risks, including copyright infringement and misuse. Therefore, only the tools will be released. The firmware dataset is only provided temporarily during the AE process and will be deleted afterwards.

A.2.2 Hardware dependencies

A machine with an x86-64 CPU and at least 24 GB of memory and 60 GB of free storage is recommended.

A.2.3 Software dependencies

A Linux environment is needed. While all major distributions should be supported, we recommend Ubuntu ≥ 20.04. Our artifacts have been tested on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. For module specific dependencies please refer to §A.3.

A.2.4 Benchmarks

APK dataset: A CSV file containing the names and SHA values of the 40,675 APKs used in our experiments.
Test dataset: Since it is impractical to run our tools against all 40,675 APKs, we selected 20 sample APKs in the folder apk-dataset for testing.
Firmware dataset: The 3,692 firmware images collected in our experiments.

A.3 Set-up

This section describes the steps to set up the experiment envi- ronment, assuming a fresh Ubuntu 22.04 installation.

A.3.1 Installation

Install general software dependencies:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt -y update
sudo apt install -y openjdk-11-jdk openjdk-17-jdk python3.11 python3-pip curl z3 unzip rsync
pip3 install --upgrade pip

Clone the artifact folder from Github. Set the project root di- rectory to the location where the artifact was cloned: export PROJECT_FOLDER=/home/<USER>/RealworldFirmware. Then, enter the project folder: cd $PROJECT_FOLDER. Install apktool for disassembling the APKs: sudo ./

The folder $PROJECT_FOLDER/otacap contains URL analy- sis tool. It depends on the Z3 solver.

  1. mv otacap/VSA/build/dependencies/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/jni/
  2. mv otacap/VSA/build/dependencies/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/jni/

In folder $PROJECT_FOLDER/FirmXRay, we have a customized FirmXRay. Add the ghidra.jar file, found in to $PROJECT_FOLDER/FirmXRay/libs/. To build it, run cd $PROJECT_FOLDER/FirmXRay && make.

In folder $PROJECT_FOLDER/binwalk, we have a customized binwalk. To set up its dependencies and install it:

  1. cd $PROJECT_FOLDER/binwalk
  2. Install dependencies:
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt && sudo pip3 install protobuf==3.6.1
  3. Install binwalk: python3 install

Install Ollama with llama3:

  1. curl -fsSL | sh
  2. ollama serve &
  3. ollama pull llama3
  4. pip3 install ollama==0.2.0

In folder $PROJECT_FOLDER/crawler, we have the Crawler. To set up its dependencies:

  1. cd $PROJECT_FOLDER/crawler
  2. Install scrapy: pip3 install scrapy==2.11.2
  3. In crawler/httpftp/source/, modify the field FILES_STORE to $PROJECT_FOLDER/crawler/httpftp/results/files. Note that $PROJECT_FOLDER must be replaced with the real path.

Folder $PROJECT_FOLDER/FirmFlaw contains the binary analysis tool. To set up its dependencies:

  1. chmod 1777 /tmp
  2. cd $PROJECT_FOLDER/FirmFlaw
  3. mkdir logs res db fidb ghidra_projects firmwares
  4. Install pyhidra: pip3 install pyhidra==1.2.0
  5. curl -L -O
  6. unzip
  7. export GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR=$PROJECT_FOLDER/FirmFlaw/ghidra_11.1_PUBLIC

A.3.2 Basic Test

[OTACap] Extracting OTA URLs from APKs.

  1. cd $PROJECT_FOLDER/otacap/VSA
  2. ./gradlew build
  3. cd .. && java -Xms5g -Xmx16g -jar VSA/build/libs/IoTScope-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar -d config/combined.json -p ../Android/Sdk/platforms/ -o ./output-jsons/ -t config/taintrules.json -a ../apk-dataset/com.brocel.gdb -dj dex_tools_2.1/
    OTACap should output a JSON file for the APK to otacap/output-jsons. It contains the reconstructed URLs along with some metadata.

[bin-unpack] Extracting firmware from APKs.

  1. cd $PROJECT_FOLDER/bin-unpack
  2. python3
  3. chmod +x ./ && ./
    It should extract APKs in apk-dataset and copy the found firmware images to $PROJECT_FOLDER/bin-unpack/fw_images.

[FirmProcessing] Pipeline to recognize firmware and extract metadata.

  1. cd $PROJECT_FOLDER/FirmProcessing
  2. sudo python3
  3. python3 --enable-firmxray

The script takes in can- didate images in FirmProcessing/originals and de- codes them. The results are stored in the folder FirmProcessing/step1_bins, which are further analyzed by the script to recognize and categorize firmware. The final results are stored in FirmProcessing/step2_PostSig. Each image is accom- panied by a JSON file containing firmware metadata such as base address, entry point, and architecture when found.

[FirmFlaw] The binary analysis tool.

  1. cd $PROJECT_FOLDER/FirmFlaw
  2. ./ ../FirmProcessing/step2_postSig
  3. python3 ./ghidra_projects arm_bins
  4. ./ && ./
  5. python3
    After FirmFlaw is complete, we can find the results docu- mented in ./res/ This file presents the results of the complexity analysis, mitigation detection and library adoption in markdown table format. Additionally, it includes detailed descriptions explaining the items in the table and their meaning.

A.4 Evaluation workflow

A.4.1 Major Claims

(C1): OTACap can recover URLs used in firmware update from APKs. This is proven by the experiment (E1), which runs OTACap against 20 sample APKs. Our paper shows the results obtained from running all the 40,675 APKs in Section 6.3.
(C2): Our LLM-powered crawler can fully exploit the recov- ered URLs from E1 and download potential firmware. This is proven by the experiment (E2) described in Sec- tion 6.4 of our paper.
(C3): Our firmware validation pipeline leverages the foot- prints left in the firmware compilation and packing pro- cess to confirm firmware and to extract metadata. This is proven by the experiment (E3) described in Section 6.4 of our paper.
(C4): Our binary analysis tool supports Arm- and Xtensa- based firmware. For each image in the provided firmware dataset, it counts the function number (Fig. 3 and tables 6 and 7), firmware size (Fig. 4 and table 6), mitigation adoption rates (Table 10), and library adop- tion (Tables 8 and 9). This is proven by the experiment (E4) described in Section 7.2 of our paper.

A.4.2 Experiments

(E1): [OTACap] [3 human-minutes + 1 to 6 compute-hours]: Run OTACap on the APKs stored in apk-dataset. How to: We provide a script that runs OTACap on the APKs in apk-dataset. Preparation: Set up and install apktool and OTACap. Execution: cd otacap && ./ Results: The results are located in the outputs-json folder inside the otacap folder. Each JSON file corre- sponds to an APK. The reconstructed URLs that will be used in next steps appear in the ValueSet fields. The file comes with more fields that contain metadata.

(E2): [Crawler] [5 human-minutes + 1 to 6 compute-hour]: Run our crawler to download potential firmware images using the URLs collected in E1. How to: We provide a script that executes our crawler using the URLs obtained in the previous experiment (E1). Preparation: Install and set up Ollama, Scrapy and the crawler environment. Execution: cd crawler && ./ Results: The tool should download around 40 po- tential images, which will be stored in the folder crawler/httpftp/results/files.

(E3): [Firmware recognition pipeline] [5 human-minutes + 30 compute-minutes]: Run the firmware recognition pipeline to delete false positives, extract metadata from the images, and prepare a copy for firmware analysis. How to: We provided a script to run the complete pipeline on the images crawled in E2. Preparation: Set up and build FirmXRay and binwalk dependencies. Execution: cd FirmProcessing &&./ Results: We expect around 30 confirmed firmware images, which will be stored in the folder FirmProcessing/step2_postSig.

(E4): [Binary Analysis pipeline] [1 human-minutes + 8-10 compute-hour]: Run the binary analysis pipeline to ana- lyze firmware complexity, detect attack mitigation and library adoption in firmware images. The target is the whole firmware dataset we collected from 40,675 APKs, instead of the 20 APK samples. How to: We provide a script to execute the analysis pipeline on the target firmware images. Preparation: Set up the FirmFlaw environment and download the firmware dataset (link in §A.2.4) to $PROJECT_FOLDER. Then, unzip Execution: cd FirmFlaw && ./ ../all_firmware/arm_and_xtensa. Results: This file presents the results of the complexity analysis, mitigation detection and library adoption in markdown table format. Additionally, it includes detailed descriptions explaining the items in the table and their meanings. It should agree with the tables in Section 7.2 of our paper.

A.5 Notes on Reusability

Our firmware collection tool downloads firmware using URLs obtained from APKs. Because the device manufacturers might invalidate the URLs from time to time, the experiment results could change.