Created By : Vinay Mallela
Email: [email protected]
The project is a Demonstration of Android Vulnerabilities
which is a Kotlin-based
application. The system provides a detailed demonstration of an Android attack through a vulnerability in Android.
The system offers several attacks at first and allows you to select the level of security. Low security level exposes the vulnerable page of the corresponding attack, while high security level leads to a secure page devoid of any vulnerability to the selected attack.There are four types of attacks outlined in the system:
- Broken Authentication
- Session Management
- Insecure Data Storage
- Database Attack
Feel free to open issues or PRs for any problem you may encounter, typos that you see or aspects that are confusing. Contributions are welcome, open an issue or email me if you have something you want to work on.
I really appreciate all kinds of feedback. Thanks for using and supporting this project!