This project automates a sequence of steps on the OrangeHRM demo website ( using Selenium and Java with cucumber. The test script simulates adding a new user, verifying the number of records, searching for the user, and finally deleting the user.
The automated test script performs the following sequence of steps:
Navigate to the Login Page
- URL:
- URL:
Login with Admin Credentials
- Username:
- Password:
- Username:
Navigate to the Admin Tab
- Click on the "Admin" tab on the left-hand side menu.
Get and Verify Number of Records Found
- Extract the number of records displayed in the Admin user management table.
Add a New User
- Click on the "Add" button.
- Fill in the required information for a new user.
- Click on the "Save" button.
Verify Record Count Increment
- Verify that the number of records has increased by one.
Search and Delete the New User
- Search for the new user based on the username.
- Delete the new user.
- Verify that the number of records has decreased by one.
- Execute the test class directly from your IDE or use the Maven command:
mvn clean test allure serve target/allure-results ``