Apply the transform_func as well in order to work in nonlinear scale #68
5 warnings
Run julia-actions/julia-docdeploy@v1:
failed to run `@example` block in src/
```@example julia-benchmark
# Get logos for programming languages
using Rsvg
using CairoMakie
using CairoMakie.Cairo, CairoMakie.FileIO
function pngify(input_data::AbstractString)
r = Rsvg.handle_new_from_data(String(input_data));
Rsvg.handle_set_dpi(r, 2.0)
d = Rsvg.handle_get_dimensions(r);
img = fill(ARGB32(0, 0, 0, 0), d.width * 4, d.height * 4)
# create an image surface to draw onto the image
surf = Cairo.CairoImageSurface(img)
ctx = Cairo.CairoContext(surf);
Cairo.scale(ctx, 4, 4)
return permutedims(img)
language_logo_url(lang::String) = "$(lowercase(lang))/$(lowercase(lang))-original.svg"
language_marker_dict = Dict(
[key => read(download(language_logo_url(key)), String) |> pngify for key in ("c", "fortran", "go", "java", "javascript", "julia", "matlab", "python", "r", "rust")]
language_marker_dict["octave"] = FileIO.load(File{format"PNG"}(download(""))) .|> ARGB32
language_marker_dict["luajit"] = read(download(language_logo_url("lua")), String) |> pngify
language_marker_dict["mathematica"] = read(download(""), String) |> pngify
f, a, p = beeswarm(
bms.refs, benchmarks.normtime;
marker = getindex.((language_marker_dict,),lowercase.(benchmarks.language)),
markersize = 11,
axis = (;
yscale = log10,
xticklabelrotation = 0,
xticklabelsize = 12,
xticksvisible = false,
topspinecolor = :gray,
bottomspinecolor = :gray,
leftspinecolor = :gray,
rightspinecolor = :gray,
ylabel = "Time relative to C",
xticks = (1:length(unique(bms)), bms.pool.levels),
xminorticks = IntervalsBetween(2),
xgridvisible = false,
xminorgridvisible = true,
xminorgridcolor = (:black, 0.2),
yminorticks = IntervalsBetween(5),
yminorgridvisible = true,
figure = (; size = (1000, 618),)
leg = Legend(f[1, 2],
[MarkerElement(; marker = language_marker_dict[lowercase(lang)], markersize = 15) for lang in langs.pool.levels],
exception =
UndefVarError: `ARGB32` not defined
[1] pngify(input_data::String)
@ Main.var"__atexample__named__julia-benchmark" ./
[2] |>(x::String, f::typeof(Main.var"__atexample__named__julia-benchmark".pngify))
@ Base ./operators.jl:917
[3] (::Main.var"__atexample__named__julia-benchmark".var"#7#8")(key::String)
@ Main.var"__atexample__named__julia-benchmark" ./none:0
[4] iterate
@ ./generator.jl:47 [inlined]
[5] collect(itr::Base.Generator{NTuple{10, String}, Main.var"__atexample__named__julia-benchmark".var"#7#8"})
@ Base ./array.jl:834
[6] top-level scope
[7] eval
@ ./boot.jl:385 [inlined]
[8] #58
@ ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/2OZOh/src/expander_pipeline.jl:754 [inlined]
[9] cd(f::Documenter.var"#58#60"{Module, Expr}, dir::String)
@ Base.Filesystem ./file.jl:112
[10] (::Documenter.var"#57#59"{Documenter.Page, Module, Expr})()
@ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/2OZOh/src/expander_pipeline.jl:753
[11] (::IOCapture.var"#4#7"{DataType, Documenter.var"#57#59"{Documenter.Page, Module, Expr}, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}})()
@ IOCapture ~/.julia/packages/IOCapture/Rzdxd/src/IOCapture.jl:161
[12] with_logstate(f::Function, logstate::Any)
@ Base.CoreLogging ./logging.jl:515
[13] with_logger
@ ./logging.jl:627 [inlined]
[14] capture(f::Documenter.var"#57#59"{Documenter.Page, Module, Expr}; rethrow::Type, c
Run julia-actions/julia-docdeploy@v1:
DocumenterVitepress: un-expanded `@example julia-benchmark` block encountered on page src/
The first few lines of code in this node are:
# Get logos for programming languages
using Rsvg
using CairoMakie
using CairoMakie.Cairo, CairoMakie.FileIO
Run julia-actions/julia-docdeploy@v1:
DocumenterVitepress: Did not detect `docs/src/.vitepress/config.mts` file. Substituting in the default file.
Run julia-actions/julia-docdeploy@v1:
removing `stable` and linking `stable` to `v0.0.1`.
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: julia-actions/setup-julia@v1, actions/cache@4d4ae6ae148a43d0fd1eda1800170683e9882738, pyTooling/Actions/with-post-step@adef08d3bdef092282614f3b683897cefae82ee3. For more information see: