Installation and configuration steps for .net and Classic ASP are given separately in the following two sections.
These installation steps are for all versions of .net
- Add provided “paytm.dll” as a “Reference” in your project.
- Import namespace “paytm” in your project/solution with statement “using paytm”.
- The Generate CheckSum and Verify CheckSum methods are given below. Their respective usage is given in the next few points.
string return method CheckSum.generateCheckSum(String merchantKey, Dictionary<String, String> parameters)
Boolean return method CheckSum.verifyCheckSum(String merchantKey, Dictionary<String, String> parameters, String checkSum)
- For Generating CheckSum, use the following code snippet. Note: Replace all the values with the respective values provided by Paytm at the time of registration.
String merchantKey = “merchantKey value” ;
Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
parameters.Add("MID", "mid value");
parameters.Add("CHANNEL_ID", "channel id value");
parameters.Add("INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID","industry value");
parameters.Add("WEBSITE", "website value");
parameters.Add("EMAIL", "email value");
parameters.Add("MOBILE_NO", "mobile value");
parameters.Add("CUST_ID", "cust id");
parameters.Add("ORDER_ID", "order id");
parameters.Add("CALLBACK_URL","url"); //This parameter is not mandatory. Use this to pass the callback url dynamically.
string checksum = CheckSum.generateCheckSum(merchantKey, parameters);
- Define the Staging server Url here. Replace this with the Production server Url once you move to the production setup.
string paytmURL = "" + orderid;
- Use the following code snippet to make a form post. This will redirect the request to PG.
string outputHTML = "<html>";
outputHTML += "<head>";
outputHTML += "<title>Merchant Check Out Page</title>";
outputHTML += "</head>";
outputHTML += "<body>";
outputHTML += "<center><h1>Please do not refresh this page...</h1></center>";
outputHTML += "<form method='post' action='" + paytmURL + "' name='f1'>";
outputHTML += "<table border='1'>";
outputHTML += "<tbody>";
foreach (string key in parameters.Keys)
outputHTML += "<input type='hidden' name='" + key + "' value='" + parameters[key] + "'>";
outputHTML += "<input type='hidden' name='CHECKSUMHASH' value='" + checksum + "'>";
outputHTML += "</tbody>";
outputHTML += "</table>";
outputHTML += "<script type='text/javascript'>";
outputHTML += "document.f1.submit();";
outputHTML += "</script>";
outputHTML += "</form>";
outputHTML += "</body>";
outputHTML += "</html>";
- Use the following code snippet to Get the response and verify the checksumhash.
String merchantKey = “merchantKey value” ; // Replace the with the Merchant Key provided by Paytm at the time of registration.
Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
string paytmChecksum = "";
foreach (string key in Request.Form.Keys)
parameters.Add(key.Trim(), Request.Form[key].Trim());
if (parameters.ContainsKey("CHECKSUMHASH"))
paytmChecksum = parameters["CHECKSUMHASH"];
if (CheckSum.verifyCheckSum(merchantKey, parameters, paytmChecksum))
Response.Write("Checksum Matched");
Response.Write("Checksum MisMatch");
- Register the paytm.dll file on your server.
- Use the following code snippet for Checksum Generation. Provide all the values like MID value, Order Id, etc. as per your request.
set crypt = Server.CreateObject("paytm.CheckSum")
json= "{'MID':'MID value','ORDER_ID':'ORD1234','CUST_ID':'cust123','TXN_AMOUNT':'10','CHANNEL_ID':'WEB','INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID':'Retail','WEBSITE':'worldpressplg'}"
checksum=crypt.generateCheckSum("merchant key",json)
- Use the following code snippet for Checksum Validation. Provide all the values like MID value, Order Id, etc. as per your response.
res=crypt.verifyCheckSum("merchant key", "{'MID':'mid value','ORDERID':'32109259','TXNAMOUNT':'10','CURRENCY':'INR','TXNID':'txn id value','BANKTXNID':'bank txn id','STATUS':'TXN_SUCCESS','RESPCODE':'01','RESPMSG':'Txn Successful.','TXNDATE':'2015-01-03 14:53:32.0','GATEWAYNAME':'WALLET','BANKNAME':'','PAYMENTMODE':'PPI'}", "CHECKSUMHASH value")
if res =true then
end if