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MarkyVasconcelos edited this page Feb 10, 2011 · 1 revision


ActionManager, a new way to call listeners and methods for buttons.

This Manager configure your JButtons annotateds with @Action to call the respective informed parameter.


This Annotation has two attributes.

String method() default “” – When pressed the button will call the method with this name, the method should not has parameters and can has any visibility modifier.

Class<? extends ActionListener> listener() default ActionListener.class – When pressed the manager create a instance of this class and call its actionPerformed method. (Actually this only work if the class is a inner class, i'll fix soon)

You only have to set one theses parameters, if both are set, only the method will be resolved.

For this example I used the same example as the Binder.

Consider this Person class for the example:

public class Person {
	private String name;
	private int age;
	private boolean live;// no ideas for a boolean attr :P
	public void printAttrs() {
		System.out.println("Name: " + getName());
		System.out.println("Age: " + getAge());
		System.out.println("Live?: " + isLive());
	public String getName() {return name;}
	public void setName(String name) { = name;}
	public int getAge() {return age;}
	public void setAge(int age) {this.age = age;}
	public boolean isLive() {return live;}
	public void setLive(boolean live) { = live;}

And the Form.

import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JTextField;

import com.towel.awt.ann.Action;
import com.towel.awt.ann.ActionManager;
import com.towel.bind.Binder;
import com.towel.bind.annotation.AnnotatedBinder;
import com.towel.bind.annotation.Bindable;
import com.towel.bind.annotation.Form;

public class PersonForm extends JFrame {
	@Bindable(field = "name")
	private JTextField name;
	@Bindable(field = "age", formatter = IntFormatter.class)
	private JTextField age;
	@Bindable(field = "live")
	private JCheckBox live;
	private Binder binder;
	@Action(method = "add")
	private JButton add;
	@Action(listener = Listener.class)
	private JButton load;

	public PersonForm() {
		name = new JTextField(20);
		age = new JTextField(20);
		live = new JCheckBox("Live?");
		add = new JButton("Add");
		load = new JButton("Load");
		setLayout(new GridLayout(5, 2));
		add(new JLabel("name:"));
		add(new JLabel("Age:"));
		add(new JLabel());// Empty comp for the grid layout

		new ActionManager(this);
		binder = new AnnotatedBinder(this);

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		new PersonForm().setVisible(true);

	// Listener for the button load
	private class Listener implements ActionListener {
		public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
			Person person = new Person();

	// Method for the button add
	private void add() {
		Person person = new Person();

	// IntFormatter to convert a String to int
	public static class IntFormatter implements mark.utils.bean.Formatter {
		public Object format(Object obj) {
			Integer d = (Integer) obj;
			return d.toString();

		public Object parse(Object obj) {
			return Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt((String) obj));

		public String getName() {
			return "int";

The JButton add should call method add and the JButton create a istance of Listener and call its actionPerformed method.

It's needed to create a new instance of ActionManager to the @Action annotations work.(Soon i'll create a general manager to make easier create all the managers of the project)

Sometimes, a JButton can have more than a action. For this, just use @ActionSequence instead of @Action and pass a @Action vector as parameter of the desired sequence. Something like.

private JButton add;

In this case when add is pressed:

1° - The openSession method is called

2° - The actionPerformed of the AddListener class is called

3° - The closeSession method is called.

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