A small CLI program designed to automatically lint .ipynb
and .py
source code. Tidy and remove redundant imports (via autoflake), sort imports (via isort), lint and format source code in a standardised way (via black). Additionally, clear all .ipynb
cell outputs and execution counts. Forked from KwatMe's orginal repo.
Via pip:
pip install clean-py
Or clone directly:
git clone https://github.com/samhardyhey/clean_py
cd clean_py
pip install .
Clean a single file:
clean_py a_single_notebook.ipynb
clean_py a_single_script.py
Or recurse within a input dir:
clean_py <input_dir>
Clean with specific features if necessary:
clean_py <input_dir> -py True -isort True -black False -autoflake False
Simple pytesting via:
Multi-venv tox testing via:
- Update version within
- Create dist
archives via:
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
Push to main pypi repo via:
twine upload dist/*