Vagrant is an extremely powerful tool. With Chef or Puppet and Vagrant, you can configure any type of server environment you can think of. The possibilities are endless (especially with Docker in the picture now, too).
If your new to Vagrant, this link Vagrant web site
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr)
- PHP 5.6
- Ruby 2.2.x
- Vim
- Git
- cURL
- GD and Imagick
- Composer
- Beanstalkd
- Node
- Mcrypt
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
- Redis
- Memcache and Memcached
- Grunt
- Bower
- Yeoman
- Gulp
- Browsersync ## awesome live reload and device sync :)
- PM2
- Laravel Installer
- Laravel Envoy
- Blackfire Profiler
- No Internet connection required
- PHP Errors turned on
- Laravel and WordPress ready
- Operating System agnostic
- Goodbye XAMPP / WAMP
- Super easy database access and control
- Virtual host ready virtual-hosts
- PHP short tags turned on
- H5BP’s server configs
- Download and Install Vagrant
- Download and Install VirtualBox
- Clone the modified Ubuntu Box GitHub Repository
- Run
vagrant up
- Access Your Project at
vagrant up
vagrant suspend
vagrant destroy
vagrant ssh
- Hostname: localhost or
- Username: root
- Password: root
- Database: scotchbox // you can create many DBs, this is a default for the modified Box
- Hostname: localhost or
- Username: root
- Password: root
- Database: scotchbox
- Port: 5432
- Hostname:
- Username: vagrant
- Password: vagrant
Although not necessary, if you want to check for updates, just type:
vagrant box outdated
It will tell you if you are running the latest version or not, of the box. If it says you aren't, simply run:
vagrant box update
If you prefer to develop at a domain name versus an IP address. If you want to get rid of the some-what ugly IP address, just add a record like the following example to your computer's host file. whatever-i-want.local
Or if you want "www" to work as well, do: whatever-i-want.local www.whatever-i-want.local
Technically you could also use a Vagrant Plugin like Vagrant Hostmanager to automatically update your host file when you run Vagrant Up. However, the purpose of this Box is to have as little dependencies as possible so that it's always working when you run "vagrant up".