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In this repository, I have performed some Pandas operations which are equivalent to SQL.

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In this repository, I have performed some Pandas operations which are equivalent to SQL.

Here are some Pandas operations that I have performed which are equivalent to SQL Queries:

  • RENAME : Renamed column names for a better understanding using the rename() function in Pandas.

  • COUNT(*) : Retrieved dimensions using the shape attribute to get the dimensions of the DataFrame in Pandas, which is represented as a tuple containing two values: the number of rows and the number of columns.

  • DESCRIBE : Retrieved datatypes using the dtypes attribute to obtain the data types of each column in a DataFrame in Pandas.

  • SELECT statement : Retrieved all the rows and columns of the DataFrame by simply using the name of the DataFrame.

  • SELECT...WHERE : Retrieved a single column by specifying single condition. By using the & element-wise logical AND operation retrieved two columns by specifying two conditions. Also retrieved all columns in a DataFrame by specifying multiple conditions, Retrieved subset of columns by specifying multiple conditions.

  • LIMIT : Used limit statement to fetch a limited number of rows using the head() method by specifying limit inside the parenthesis.

  • DISTINCT : Retrieved unique rows of a specific column using the unique() method in Pandas.

  • Aggregation : Used agg() method to get the values of aggregation functions such as 'sum', 'mean', 'min', 'max' in Pandas DataFrame.

  • ORDER BY clause : i) ASCENDING ORDER (Default) - Sorted values of specific columns using the sort_values()method. ii) DESCENDING ODRER - Sorted values using sort_values() method and by using attribute ascending = False inside the parenthesis of sort_values method in order to sort the values in descending order.

  • GROUP BY clause : i) GROUP BY clause with aggregation: Used groupby() method to calculate the sum and count of specific columns in the DataFrame by grouping the values in the column. ii) GROUP BY (Count and Descending order) : Used groupby() method to calculate the count of specific columns in the DataFrame by grouping the values in the column in descending order by using the parameter ascending = False inside the sort_values() method.

  • HAVING clause : Used group_by() , filter(), size() to filter aggregated data, specified condition that involved COUNT(*) function and filtered groups based on those conditions.

  • IN and NOT IN : Used isin() method to check if the specific values are present in the column. Whereas to check if the values are not present in column, used ~ and isin() method.

  • Top N observations with and without Offset : Offset is the number of rows to skip from the beginning of the result set. Skipping the first 10 rows and retrieved the next 10 rows using the nlargest() and tail() method in Pandas. 'nlargest()' returns the top N largest values based on the specified column.

  • UNION and UNION ALL : Used concat() method in Pandas to eliminate and retain duplicates in two DataFrames.

  • JOIN operation : Used the merge() method in Pandas to 'LEFT JOIN', 'RIGHT JOIN' and 'INNER JOIN' on two DataFrames. Used the how parameter in merge() function to specify the type of join.

  • INSERT : Inserted a new record in the table using the append() method.

  • UPDATE : Updated columns in a DataFrame using the .loc attribute.

  • DELETE : Deleted/ Dropped existing records and columns in a DataFrame using the drop() method.


In this repository, I have performed some Pandas operations which are equivalent to SQL.






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