This template provides a way to generate exams. You can create questions and sub-questions, header with information about the academic center, score box, subject, exam, header with student information, clarifications, solutions, watermark with information about the exam model and teacher.
- Scoreboard.
- Scoring by questions and subquestions.
- Student information, on the first page or on all odd pages.
- Question and subcuestion.
- Show solutions and clarifications
- List of clarifications.
- Teacher's Watermark
- Exam Model Watermark
- Draft mode
For information, see the online docucumentation.
To use this package, simply add the following code to your document:
#import "@preview/g-exam:0.4.2": *
#show: exam.with(
school: (
name: "Sunrise Secondary School",
logo: read("./logo.png", encoding: none),
exam-info: (
academic-period: "Academic year 2023/2024",
academic-level: "1st Secondary Education",
academic-subject: "Mathematics",
number: "2nd Assessment 1st Exam",
content: "Radicals and fractions",
model: "Model A"
show-student-data: "first-page",
show-grade-table: true,
clarifications: "Answer the questions in the spaces provided. If you run out of room for an answer, continue on the back of the page."
#question(points:2.5)[Is it true that $x^n + y^n = z^n$ if $(x,y,z)$ and $n$ are positive integers?. Explain.]
#question(points:2.5)[Prove that the real part of all non-trivial zeros of the function $zeta(z) "is" 1/2$].
#question(points:2)[Compute $ integral_0^infinity (sin(x))/x $ ]
- Fix lang tag.
- Fix student data.
- Fix Indenting subquestion.
- Change g-exam for exam.
- Change g-question and g-subquestion for question and subquestion.
- Change point parameter to points in question and subquestion.
- Change question-points-position paramet to question-points-position.
- Include documentation.
- Use paper by default.
- Indenting subquestion.
- Include support for dutch language.
- Corrections in English texts.
- Draft label.
- Change show-studen-data to show-student-data parameter.
- Change languaje to language parameter.
- Corrections in French.
- Include parameter question-text-parameters.
- Show solution.
- Expand documentation.
- Possibility of estrablecer question-points-position to none.
- Bug fix show watermark.
- Control the size of the logo image.
- Convert to template
- Allow true and false values in show-student-data.
- Show clarifications.
- Widen margin points.
- Show solution.
- Fix loading image.
- Initial version submitted to typst/packages.