The RD6006 offers a Modbus RTU interface via USB, see and, but the wifi module does not provide Modbus over TCP. It uses some secret protocoll for communication with the Riden Software, but I want to use the Modbus Interface without USB cables ...
This bridge is quite simple, it passes all modbus commands from TCP (wifi) to RTU. Use only one TCP connection! The WIFI SSID and Password must be provided in the source code.
I use both interface Modbus RTU, but mostly Modbus TCP. See
- Flashing the wifi module will delete the original code. You might try to download the binary code
- The original Riden Software does not support this Modbus TCP solution!
- No warranty. The code is as it is!
- This solution worked for me, but I'm not responsible for any damage!
- Take care of high voltages inside the RD6006, switch it off completely before opening the case!
- You find a reversed engineered schematic for the wifi module at:
On main pcb:
On the wific pcb, TXD and RXD interchanged!
Please check!
Check the settings in the code (Baud rate, debug off, wifi_secrets.h - or local defines)
Switch the RD6006 off and disconnect it completely from the mains.
Remove the wifi module
Arduino IDE setup for EPS12-F as in
Additional Board Manager:
Install esp8266 boards
Board NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module) - should work with the 12F also
Connect the wifi module with an USB-TTL converter:
ESP12 Reset -> USBTTL RST wifi module 12 V -> USBTTL RST wifi module TXD -> USBTTL RXD wifi module RXD -> USBTTL TXD wifi module GND -> USBTTL GND ESP12 GPIO0 -> USBTTL DTR
I solderd two pins to the ESP12 reset and GPIO0
Save the original firmware --connect-attempts 0 -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b230400 read_flash 0x0 0x400000 original.bin
Try to upload the blink sketch, built-in LED on pin 2
Remove the enable Pin from the wifi module, see
Upload this sketch
Mount the wifi module, close the case and switch the power supply on.
Set communication to TTL ( shift 0 for menu ). The Wifi mode uses some special communication, but TTL ist just ModbusRTU
Switch the Load off and on again, now TTL and Modbus TCP should work.
- Blinking with period 1s during Wifi connection, see function reconnect()
- Short flash during modbus operation (on with tcp request, off after rtu answer)
- OTA Updates,
- Web Page for configuration, open access point if not connected to wifi
- ESP8266, the original RD6006 wifi module An ESP12-F is soldered on the RD6006 wifi module
- ESP32, nice for developement NodeMcu or similar
- ESP8266WiFi provieded by the esp8266 board and hardware definitions
- Alexander Emelianov, Arduino modbus-esp8266 library,, 2021
True RTU-TCP bridge example from Arduino modbus-esp8266 library
(c)2021 Alexander Emelianov ([email protected]), That code is licensed under the BSD New License.
My code ist published under the CC-BY-NC-SA license
Copyright, 2022, Mathias Moog, Hochschule Ansbach, Deutschland, CC-BY-NC-SA