Written for a Matrix Orbital EVE3 or EVE4 running on an Arduino UNO. The demo will work on EVE2 displays with the exception of touch.
This code will illustrate:
- EVE initilization
- Set colour
- Draw blue dot
- Write text
- Displaying an image
- Make a button
- Sound demo
The example is configured for a 4.3" display, to change the display used edit:
Eve2_81x.h --> // Panel specific setup parameters
The settings work for EVE3 and EVE4 displays.
- Download the zip file
- Rename the directory from EVE-School-master to EVE-School
- Copy the 4 files located in 'Images for SD card' to the root of a SD Card
- Put the SD Card into the EVE2-Scoodo Sheild, connect the Shield to the UNO
- Connect the FFC cable to the Shield and EVE display, BLUE UP on the FFC
- Plugin the USB to the Arduino UNO and Power to the barrel jack
- Load the INO file, and upload the program to the Arduino
This code when executed will display FTDI text and a red circle.
Button S1: Button S2: Button S3:
Hardware Requirements:
Matrix Orbital EVE3/4 SPI TFT Displays https://www.matrixorbital.com/ftdi-eve
Scoodo EVE TFT SHIELD for Arduino https://www.matrixorbital.com/eve2-shield
EVE SPI TFT connected to a Scoodo SHIELD
This code makes use of the Matrix Orbital EVE2 Library found here:
- While a copy of the library files (Eve2_81x.c and Eve2_81x.h) is included here, it will not be updated. For the most up to date files please use the files from the link above.
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