- Seattle, WA
- 8h behind - wiki.superfamicom.org
- @superfamicom
pikocore Public
Forked from schollz/pikocoresource for the pikocore drum machine
C++ UpdatedAug 20, 2023 -
super-pads Public
Super Pads helps manage samples on a SP-404SX.
avatar Public
Library for showing Gravatars or generating user avatars.
convert-ripchord-scaler Public
Convert between Trackbout's Ripchord and Plugin Boutique's Scaler 2 chord pack formats.
preservation.work Public
preservation.work Wiki
wildberry-princess Public
JavaScript library for abstracting out Google Analytics (analytics.js) and Kissmetrics.
javascript-starter Public
A super simple JS template for setting up React with Webpack and a separate Express server.
fifo Public
First In First Out accounting for JavaScript localStorage.
HotDogPrincess Public archive
Integrate with the Parature API. It's gunna be so flippin' awesome!
language-65asm Public
Adds syntax highlighting to 65816/65C816/65802/6502/65C02 files in Atom, with extra support for various compilers.
seemes Public
A PHP class that examines websites to learn about the software used.
sts_proto_hacks Public
Forked from LuigiBlood/sts_proto_hacksSpecial Tee Shot - Prototype Hacks
spc.js Public
A decoder/demuxer for Aurora.js to play Super Nintendo (SNES) SPC-700 files.
retinize Public
Retinize will upscale (using nearest neighbor) images to look correctly on retina screens. This is particularly useful for pixel art when you don't want to store an upscaled version.
skin.pastel.li Public
Ableton Live Skin Editor
duration-input Public
JavaScript library for managing duration based inputs.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 2, 2017 -
aurora.js Public
Forked from audiocogs/aurora.jsJavaScript audio decoding framework
atom-date-helpers Public
Adds date highlighting and conversion to Atom.
LastHistory Public
Forked from triplef/LastHistoryInteractive Visualization of Last.fm Listening Histories and Personal Streams
anago-scripts Public
Forked from arantius/anago-scriptsScripts for the "anago" NES cartridge dumper utility.
UpdatedNov 11, 2016 -
8bitdash-chrome Public
Forked from atosatto/8bitdash-chromePixel artwork new-tab page for Google Chrome
JavaScript UpdatedAug 2, 2016 -
mashmods-macos Public
A GUI for managaing SNES ROMs on the mash-mods.com flash cart.
snesimg Public
Convert images to SNES Format with Palette
sortable-tables Public
Sortable HTML tables with no dependencies and optional jQuery adapter.
MIT License UpdatedDec 29, 2014 -
ScrollToFixed Public
Forked from bigspotteddog/ScrollToFixedThis plugin is used to fix elements on the page (top, bottom, anywhere); however, it still allows the element to continue to move left or right with the horizontal scroll.
MIT License UpdatedApr 29, 2014 -
jquery-scrollintoview Public
Forked from litera/jquery-scrollintoviewAnimated scroll into view jQuery plugin
JavaScript UpdatedApr 28, 2014 -
language-rabl Public
Atom Syntax highlighter for RABL.