The Crane is a project developed first during the Graphics course and then in the Virtual Reality course. It is composed of a graphic engine built with OpenGL and a client that uses the engine to render and interact with a crane.
The first version of The Crane is tagged with "vConsegna" and is built on OpenGL1.1. It renders a crane and allows the users to interact with it using the keyboard. It was developed by:
- Mattia Dell'Oca
- Luca Di Bello (
- Manuele Nolli (
The second version of The Crane is tagged with "craneV2.0" and is built on OpenGL4.4. It renders a crane in both stereoscopic and standard modes and allows the users to interact with it using either a hand-tracking device or the keyboard. For stereoscopic rendering it uses SteamVR, and requires a LeapMotion ( for hand-tracking. It was developed by:
- Mattia Dell'Oca
- Luca Di Bello (
- Manuele Nolli (