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AirMonitorPlots R Package

Plot utilities for air quality monitoring data.


The USFS AirFire team works to model wildland fire emissions and has created the BlueSky Modeling Framework. This system integrates a wide collection of models along the smoke modeling pipeline (fire information, fuel loadings, consumption modeling, emissions modeling, time rate of emissions modeling, plume height estimations, and smoke trajectory and dispersion modeling). The resulting model output has been integrated into many different smoke prediction systems and scientific modeling efforts;

The AirMonitor R package is maintained and regularly enhanced for to help modelers and scientists more easily work with PM2.5 data from monitoring locations across North America.

AirMonitorPlots provides plotting components for building up custom plots needed by air quality specialists.


Users will want to install the devtools package to have access to latest versions of this package that may not yet be available on CRAN.

devtools::install_github('mazamascience/AirMonitorPlots', build_vignettes=TRUE)

This project is supported by the USFS AirFire group.