Qiskit tools to streamline transpilation
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At the moment, there is only one transpiler class implementing the simple pipeline: gate translation -> layout optimization -> noise aware mapping (mapomatic) -> dynamic decoupling.
Import the class:
from qiskit_transpiler_tools.transpiler import TranspilerSabreMapomaticDD
Construct a circuit qc
or a list of circuits qc_list
, load your backend
Apply different transpiler configurations:
transpiler_default = TranspilerSabreMapomaticDD(backend) # default options
transpiler1 = TranspilerSabreMapomaticDD(backend,
num_transpilations=10) # layout optimization
transpiler2 = TranspilerSabreMapomaticDD(backend,
apply_dd=True) # add noise aware transpilation and dynamic decoupling
qc_trans = transpiler_default.transpile(qc)
qc_list_trans1 = transpiler1.transpile(qc_list)
qc_list_trans2 = transpiler2.transpile(qc_list + [qc])
Fork the repository, use basic GitFlow
and semantic-release
Further rules will be specified if the need arises.
was created by Mazen Ali.
It is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.