- Add tests for Django and Nuxt.js
- Fix linting issue on Nuxt.js
- Fix liniting issues for Django project
- Seed data to the database
- Frontend design with bootstrap
- Selling courses
- Blog on http://blog.webdevlab.org
- Create short tutorial
- Create developer team (career opportunity)
- Create most advanced User Authentication system (Cookie based, refresh token)
- Forum on http://forum.webdevlab.org
- User role (Admin, Student, Viewer)
- Do nuxt js seo for all pages
- Quill text editor
- Use time function Intl
- Design layout for admin
- Main menu for home
Articles Table:
- article_id (Primary Key)
- title
- content
- publication_date
- author_id (Foreign Key referencing the Authors Table)
- category_id (Foreign Key referencing the Categories Table)
Authors Table:
- author_id (Primary Key)
- name
- bio
Comments Table:
- comment_id (Primary Key)
- article_id (Foreign Key referencing the Articles Table)
- author_name
- comment_text
- comment_date
Categories Table:
- category_id (Primary Key)
- name
Tags Table:
- tag_id (Primary Key)
- name
ArticleTags Table (a junction table to implement many-to-many relationship between Articles and Tags):
- article_id (Foreign Key referencing the Articles Table)
- tag_id (Foreign Key referencing the Tags Table)
- pip install flake8 flake8-django
- nano setup.cfg
- flake8 .
- nano setup.cfgpip install pre-commit
- flake8 .
- pip install pre-commit
- pip freeze > requirements.txt
- pre-commit install
- Create a mail services for [email protected]