View for Tag cloud
This idea is simple. Each tags include title and point.
In this version, It seems that tags are placed randomly but
there are some rules of placement.
Some tags that have highest point are placed in middle of arrays thought ordering.
For example, if your tag list is as follow,
{ title: 'Item1', point: 1 },
{ title: 'Item2', point: 2 },
{ title: 'Item3', point: 1 },
{ title: 'Item4', point: 0 },
{ title: 'Item5', point: 1 },
{ title: 'Item6', point: 1 },
{ title: 'Item7', point: 2 },
{ title: 'Item8', point: 0 },
{ title: 'Item9', point: 0 },
{ title: 'Item10', point: 1 },
the list will be ordered like this.
{ title: 'Item8', point: 0 },
{ title: 'Item10', point: 1 },
{ title: 'Item5', point: 1 },
{ title: 'Item1', point: 1 },
{ title: 'Item2', point: 2 },
{ title: 'Item7', point: 2 },
{ title: 'Item3', point: 1 },
{ title: 'Item6', point: 1 },
{ title: 'Item4', point: 0 },
{ title: 'Item9', point: 0 },
react-native-tag-cloud needs to be enhanced. So any ideas are welcome!
To use this, import the TagCloud
import { TagCloud } from 'react-native-tag-cloud';
Use TagCloud
like this.
tagList (Required)
The item of list musthave
title andpoint
should be integer type(0 ~ N) -
colorList (Requried)
Each color value corresponds topoint
object. -
minFontSize (Optional)
This will decide the minimum font size of each tag.
Default size is 12. -
style (Optional)
This style is for container. -
tagPaddingLeft, tagPaddingTop, tagPaddingRight, tagPaddingBottom (Optional)
Default value is 30.