- Learn how cmake works with cuda.
- Learn basic cuda concepts.
- Learn how to debug cuda code.
- simple cmake/conan build. (build on ubuntu 20.10 with cuda compiler 11.6-r11.6, ran on a nvidea 3060)
- 1 vector class with a header without any cuda based includes.
- cach2 tests.
- Vec.h
class Vec{
float* d_;
int size_;
Vec(int size);
Vec(const std::initializer_list<float>& elements);
Vec(Vec&& other);
int size() const;
float getValue(int index) const;
void setValue(int index, float value);
Vec operator+(const Vec& other) const;
Vec operator-(const Vec& other) const;
Vec operator*(const Vec& other) const;
Vec operator/(const Vec& other) const;
float dot(const Vec& other) const ;
static constexpr int threadsPerBlock = 16;
int numBlocks() const;
- Vec(int size): create vector of size "size".
- Vec(const std::initialize_list&): create vector with elements from inialize_list.
- Vec(Vec&&): move constructor.
- getValue(int index): get one value from the gpu memory.
- setValue(int index, float value): set one value on the gpu memory.
- The operators +-*/ are all element wise operations.
- dot: dotproduct of 2 vectors (reduce operation).