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Airflow/Minio/Spark PoC

A PoC of an lakehouse architecture.


At $WORK the target architecture is Microsoft Synapse which is Microsoft's umbrella product of ADLS Gen2, Spark, Serverless SQL and Dedicated SQL, integrated with version control.

There are a few weak spots of Azure Synapse:

  • Its data pipelines which provides too little control over dependencies
  • Pull requests result in large JSON blobs, which makes them hard to review
  • The data engineering team wants to generate templated pipelines which is essentially programming (and hence better served using a programming language)

This PoC serves as an investigation of an alternative orchistration set-up with Apache Airflow.

The following components are used:

  • Airflow 2.8.0 (on Python 3.10)
  • Minio to emulate ADLS Gen2. Although Microsoft supports Azurite for storage emulation but it does not support hierarchies, which is essential for this PoC.
  • Spark for processing PySpark jobs

Ideally this we'd leverage dbt as well, but this might be a bridge too far at the moment. The current version of the dbt-synapse connector (1.4.0) is somewhat maintained by Microsoft and only has support for Dedicated SQL, not Serverless SQL.



A medallion data lake architecture with the following layers:

  • landingzone: This is where the files land, partitioned by application and entity.
  • bronze: The landed files are transformed to parquet format and stored in raw format. Partitioned by application and entity.
    • TODO: This is where quality checks should take place.
  • silver: This is where the delta is calculated and the data is structured according to our data domain definition.
  • gold: A curated set of data ready for consumption.

Minio is used for S3 compatible storage.


Processing data is done using Apache Spark. The jobs are defined in the airflow/spark-jobs directory. Each job receives the metadata entities defined in airflow/dags/metadata/


  • 000_setup_env_v1: Used to initialize Airflow connections and the Minio storage bucket. Only needs to be executed once to complete set-up of the PoC.
  • landing_to_silver_v1: Moves a CSV-file from the landingzone via a parquet file in the bronze layer to a parquet file in the silver layer. The current DAG also generates fake data and uploads it to the landing zone to emulate a filedrop event. The data generation takes into account the point in time the DAG is executed to be able to simulate changes to the data over time.
  • gold_report_v1: Waits for department and employee data to be updated before generating a dummy report.

Getting started

  • To start execute ./ to boot up Airflow, Minio and Spark.
  • Once all services have started, Airflow should be operational at http://localhost:8080. You can login with airflow/airflow.
  • Trigger the setup_env_v1 DAG by pressing the play (⏵) button
  • Enable the other 3 dags (department_landing_to_silver_v1, employee_landing_to_silver_v1, gold_report_v1) and give them some time to catch-up (start date 2024-01-01)
  • To cleanup services and storage execute ./


Rebuild specific container while docker is running

When python requirements change source images need to be rebuild, you can do so using

  • docker-compose -f docker-compose.[airflow|spark|minio].yaml up -d --force-recreate --build [service-name]
  • E.g. docker-compose -f docker-compose.airflow.yaml up -d --force-recreate --build airflow-scheduler

Future work

  • From heresay it seems Delta is not mature enough in Microsoft Synapse.
    • This needs to be investigated.
    • If it is mature delta parquet should be used from the silver layer onwards.
  • Investigate Iceberg support
  • Check data quality e.g. using Amazon Deequ


A PoC of an OSS lakehouse architecture






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