A remake of the classic game Pac-Man headlining none other than the Cookie-Monster himself. Users complete the game by consuming all pellets. Power pellets tranform the ghosts into cookies, rendering them edible. Similar to original game, each ghost features its own path-finding strategy, creating an interesting dynamic. Find out if you can get all the pellets before the ghosts get you!
- HTML Canvas, CSS - To build the visual interface
- Javascript (ES 5+) - To build the game logic
- Collision Detection algorithm - Obstacle & Sprite collisions
- 4 Pathfinding Algorithm - One for each ghost
- Score System - Players earn poins based on their play
- Lives - Each player gets three lives to complete the game
Collision detection anticipates the next possible step, using the graph used to build the maze, determines whether anticipated step is a wall (represented as a '0' in the graph).
willCollide(pos, dir) {
let blockSize = Loader.BLOCK_SIZE;
let map = Loader.MAP;
let x = Math.floor(((pos[0] + dir[0] * 0.5 * blockSize)) / blockSize);
let y = Math.floor(((pos[1] + dir[1] * 0.5 * blockSize)) / blockSize);
return (map[y][x] === 0) ? true : false;
The path-finding algorithm considers each possible direction, and selects the one that brings the ghost closest to the target.
target(pos) {
const directions = DEFAULTS.directions;
if (this.calcDist(this.pos, this.prevPosition) < 100 && this.prevPositionCounter > 5) {
this.moveRandom = true;
const potentialSteps = [
[this.calcDist(pos, this.calcStep(directions[0])), 0],
[this.calcDist(pos, this.calcStep(directions[1])), 1],
[this.calcDist(pos, this.calcStep(directions[2])), 2],
[this.calcDist(pos, this.calcStep(directions[3])), 3],
].sort((a, b) => a[0] > b[0] ? 1 : -1);
for (let i = 0; i < potentialSteps.length; i++) {
let currDirection = directions[potentialSteps[i][1]];
let currNextStep = this.calcStep(currDirection);
if (!this.willCollide(currNextStep, currDirection)) {
this.pos = currNextStep;
this.dir = currDirection;
- Incorporate djikstra / BFS path finding
- Refine wall detection algo
- Incorporate Audio