First, you need to get a Longdo Map API key. Then, after you have Longdo Map API key and cloned this project, you need to register it to your index.html file.
STEP 1 : Loading the API Code Libraries Using the following script within tag
<script src="[YOUR_KEY_API]"></script>
STEP 2 : Initialize the Map Using JavaScript function for creating longdo.Map object within tag
var map;
function init() {
map = new longdo.Map({
placeholder: document.getElementById('map')
STEP 3 : Complete with HTML Create Div element and using onload for creating map within tag.
<body onload="init();">
<div id="map"></div>
STEP1: Import rainradar.js into html file.
<script src="./lib/rainradar.js"></script>
STEP2: Using JavaScript function for creating rain radar layer on map.
var rainRadar = new RainRadar(map, options);
map : Map object (Required). options : Initial setup your rain radar (optional). Example
opacity: 0.5, // Opacity display in map.
color: 4, // Color radar you can read more at :
locale: 'th-Th', // Locale of displying datetime eg. "th-Th", "en-Us"
tileSize: 256, // image size, can be 256 or 512.
timeDisplay: 'timeradar', // If you want to display time of radar you can set id element.
smooth: 0, // blur (1) or not (0) radar data. Large composite images are always not smoothed due to performance issues.
snow: 1, // display (1) or not (0) snow in separate colors on the tiles.
speed: 2000 // set speed for animation frame (milisecond)
setOpacity() // Set opacity for layer 0 - 0.9
setColor() // Set color rain radar colors.
setLocale() // Set locale of displying datetime eg. "th-Th", "en-Us"
rainNext() // Next radar.
rainBack() // Previos radar.
rainNow() // Display current time rain radar.
playAnimation() // Change radar automation. You can set time (ms) in this funtion
reload() // Hot reload weather radar
var map = new longdo.Map({
placeholder: document.getElementById("map"),
var rainRadar = new rainradar(map,{
opacity: 0.5,
color: 2,
tileSize: 256,
speed: 500,
timeDisplay: 'timeradar'
function next() {
function previos() {
function radarNow() {
function changeOpacity(e) {
const val =
function play() {
const playButton = document.getElementById('play');
const isPlayed = rainRadar.playAnimation();
if (isPlayed) {
playButton.innerHTML = 'Stop';
} else {
playButton.innerHTML = 'Play';
function clearLayer() {