42/Codam introduction to multithreading
A C solution to the dining philosophers problem, serving as an introduction to thread programming.
The particular constraints of the project (aside from the original problem's) are:
- philosophers may not communicate with each other;
- philosophers don't know when another is about to die;
- the death timer is reset at the beginning of eating
- when philosophers change state, an update with the current time in ms is outputted and lines may not be scrambled between philosophers;
- no more than a 10 ms delay between a philosopher's death and when this update is printed.
(see subject PDF for detailed project specifications)
Mutex locks are used to avoid dead/livelock and race conditions.
Run make
in the root directory.
The program expects the following arguments:
./philo 4 310 200 100
./philo 4 410 200 200 10
when a philosopher dies to a short
when the program keeps running
A clear explanation of the dining philosophers problem
Introduction to thread programming, Dartmouth CS 50: Software Design and Implementation
POSIX Threads Programming, Blaise Barney
Creating and joining threads (video)
Passing data to and from threads (video)