This projects uses java 21, please install the java 21 jdk, you can use SDK for multiple java versions
mvn clean compile
run the application, go to the target directory and execute the following command
java -jar pokemon-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
or if you are using Intellij go the PokemonApplication class and run it directly -
Go to the wsdl url:
Go to the api directory, there you can find a services.http file, you can use it for testing all the endpoints using post, you can also use curl, or other soap client
On the console you will see the methods that are getting called, and the request logs.
This application uses AOP for saving the ApiRequestLogs information, in an H2 db, so after doing some requests, review the requests logs in the h2-console to access the database console, use this data for connection, that is also provided on the file:
- Driver class: org.h2.Driver
- JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:mem:testdb
- username: sa
- password: password
Then go the table API_REQUEST_LOG, and use this query
It has time out set for read and connection It was added an integration test for only one method, you can check on PokemonEndpointTest