Addition of pulp talents (To be tested, I’m not familiar with Pulp Cthulhu, all of this is mainly cosmetic, no automation implemented so far)
There's a new sheet for pulp talents.
Talents can be dragged/dropped on actors (PC & NPC).
Talents are displayed as a section of the "Gear&Cash" tab.
Talents have no effect in play (e.g. the "Resilient" talent will NOT be taken in account for sanity loss, you'll have to do it "manually")
Two fields added to the character sheet for pulp heroes (Archetype and Organization).
To have those displayed, as well as the auto HP calculation you will have to enable the "Pulp Rules" option from the system's options.
Bug correction: Ammo loaded in weapons is now correctly saved between sessions.
On the combat chat card you can now increase/decrease the volley size in full-auto mode.
Added option to ignore bullets limitation.
Added option to ignore uses per round limitation.
You can’t perform that action at this time.