For Dracula theme use dracula or .dracula named files
For Material theme use material or .material named files
- Status bar - Polybar
- Compositor - Picom
- Lock screen - i3lock-color and mantablockscreen
- Battery popup - i3-battery-popup
- Notification - Dunst
- USB automount - udiskie
- Application launcher - Rofi
- Gui Font - Ubuntu
- Terminal Font - UbuntuMono Nerd Font and Hack Nerd Font
- Polybar icon font - Ubuntu Nerd Font
- Editor: Neovim
- Music player: ncmpcpp
- File Manager: ranger with devicon
- Web browser: qutebrowser
- System Monitor: htop
- Image viewer: feh
- PDF Reader: zathura
- Terminal Browser: w3m
- System details: modified ufetch