Replace environment variables (e.g.
) in frontend docker containers at "start-up" time
It's the age-old problem. The DevOps people agree:
"Docker images should be the same for all environments; Just use environment variables for configuration."
But then, as a frontend developer, you don't write server code.
Your "environment variables" are defined at build time. The Webpack DefinePlugin
is ubiquitous for this use-case.
That means replacing the environment variables in the code at build time. So they are baked into the container image
and need to be configured via --build-arg
This is all fine and good until these worlds collide. Most software coming out of the DevOps world doesn't support the way we do things in the frontend world. They don't expect you to bake environment variables into the image. And, arguably, they have a point.
So why not replace the environment variables post-build, with a little script, before the docker container starts?
This script is what env-at-startup
is doing.
Usage ./env-at-startup <file>... [options]
--help Show this screen.
-v --verbose Show all replacements.
--vars Only replace these vars. Comma-separated list, wildcards (*) allowed.
--ignore-other When using --vars, all other vars are ignored (by default we error out).
--allow-missing Missing env vars are set to undefined (by default we error out).
--rollback Rollback all replacements.
--debug Show debug logs
./env-at-startup dist/*.js --vars 'API_URL,NEXT_PUBLIC_*'
./env-at-startup dist/*.js --rollback
Use 'find' to access files recursively:
./env-at-startup $(find . -name "*.js")
You need to add the following to your Dockerfile
RUN curl -o env-at-startup \
&& chmod +x env-at-startup
If you have a
and your
ends with exec "$@"
(this is usually the case), you can do this:
RUN apk add nodejs \
# Delete the last line containing `exec "$@"`
&& sed -i '/exec "$@"/d' \
# Append the /env-at-startup command
&& echo './env-at-startup $(find . -name "*.js")' >> \
# Add the `exec "$@"` line again
&& echo 'exec "$@"' >>
If you are using something like npm run start
, you could also change your CMD like so:
CMD ["/bin/sh", "-c", "./env-at-startup $(find . -name '*.js') && npm run start"]
Here is a full example of a basic frontend app:
FROM node:alpine as build
RUN curl -o env-at-startup \
&& chmod +x env-at-startup
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm ci
COPY src src
RUN npm run build
FROM nginx:1-alpine
COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
# Copy the "dist" directory (make sure to adjust this!)
COPY --from=build /app/dist/ /usr/share/nginx/html
COPY --from=build /app/env-at-startup /env-at-startup
RUN apk add nodejs \
# Delete the last line containing `exec "$@"`
&& sed -i '/exec "$@"/d' \
# Append the /env-at-startup command
&& echo './env-at-startup $(find . -name "*.js")' >> \
# Add the `exec "$@"` line again
&& echo 'exec "$@"' >>