Simple utility design to generate obfuscated macro that also include a AV / Sandboxes escape mechanism.
Python 2.7
MMG.Malicious Macro Generator v2.0 - RingZer0 Team
Author: Mr.Un1k0d3r [email protected]
Usage: [config] [output] (optional parameters)
[config] Config file that contain generator information
[output] Output filename for the macro
-l --list List of all available payloads and evasion techniques
-s --split_strings Randomly split strings at parts
-x --strings_to_hex Encode strings to hex
python configs/generic-cmd.json malicious.vba
Example of a project config file.
"description": "Generic command exec payload\nEvasion technique set to domain check",
"template": "templates/payloads/generic-cmd-evasion-template.vba",
"varcount": 150,
"encodingoffset": 4,
"chunksize": 200,
"encodedvars": {
"vars": [],
"evasion": ["encoder", "domain"],
"payload": "cmd.exe /c whoami"
The macro is fetching the USERDOMAIN environment variable and compare the value with a predefined one. If they match the final payload is executed.
The macro is looking for the total disk space. VMs and test machines use small disk most of the time.
The macro is looking for the total memory size. Vms and test machines use less resources.
The macro is looking for the system uptime. Sandboxes will return a short uptime.
The macro is checking if a specific process is running (example outlook.exe)
The python script will also generate obfuscated code to avoid heuristic detection
Mr.Un1k0d3r RingZer0 Team