Local network devices presence and activity diagnostic Dockerized system for Raspberry Pi
- Track devices activity over time on your local network
- Be notified, with email, when new device is connected on your local network
- Have overview of active times of every device on your local network
- Have overview of top lists of devices with most active hours on your local network per: day, month, year, all time
- Build and run Home-presence
- From browser go to Raspberry Pi's ip address
- Login, default password is: "toor"
- Under settings set network attribute to match with used network
- Under settings press start workers to start collecting data
Commands run on host os to build and compose project to Raspberry Pi. For this step all dependencies need to be installed and docker-macine setup.
- Build frontend:
./build-front.sh [--install-packages] --raspberry-ip <Raspberry ip address>
# <raspberry ip address>: IP address of Raspberry Pi in local network.
# --install-packages needed only on first build.
# For more help run: ./build-front.sh --help
- Connect to raspberry docker deamon with docker-machine:
eval "$(docker-machine env <Machine name>)"
# <Machine name>: Name of docker-machine
- Compose and start docker containers on raspberry:
./build.sh [--recreate-db]
# --recreate-db when set db will be recreated (needed on first run).
# For more help run: ./build.sh --help
- Raspberry Pi with docker setup (Raspberry PI)
- NPM (Host)
- Docker (Host)
- Docker Compose (Host)
- Docker Machine (Host)
- Generate SSH key for docker-machine communication:
- Add generated key to raspberry:
ssh-copy-id -i <path to generated ssh key> pi@<raspberry ip address>
# <raspberry ip address>: IP address of Raspberry Pi in local network.
# <path to generated ssh key>: Path to key generated in previous steps.
- Create docker-machine:
docker-machine create --driver generic --generic-ip-address <Raspberry ip address> --generic-ssh-user pi --generic-ssh-key <path to generated ssh key> --engine-storage-driver overlay2 <Machine name>
# <raspberry ip address>: IP address of Raspberry Pi in local network.
# <path to generated ssh key>: Path to key generated in previous steps.
# <Machine name>: Name of docker-machine that will be used to connect to Raspberry.
Interface is composed of multiple pages that are used for collected data representation and system parameterization. Interface pages are shown on images below:
- Hardware platform: Raspberry Pi
- Virtualization: Docker containers
- Backend api for network statistics: Flask
- Network statistics library: Nmap
- Database: PostgreSQL
- Frontend: React
- System entry point: Nginx